Season 3 Episode 1

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Corey's Confessional

"After all that crap with Enzo, I haven't spoken to or heard from him." "Unfortunately, my actions resulted in suspension from the company indefinitely." "So now, while they're busy thinking I care, I've been busy with my beautiful girlfriend, Stephanie." "Her and I hit it off so well, she's all I think about." "At first I thought I was entertaining her just to get over Carmella, but she's a wonderful girl despite her profession." "Yeah, she's a stripper, but I don't mind it." "She always comes home to me."

Corey: Hey babe.

Steph: Hey.

Corey: What's wrong? You sound upset.

Steph: I had a bad night at work last night.

Corey: Some creep cut you short or something?

Steph: Not quite. Your trashy ass ex showed up last night.

Corey: Which one?

Steph: The blond bitch. She came in acting crazy threatening to beat me up.

Corey: Carmella? What the hell is up with that girl?

Steph: I don't know. Look. I know you have a lot of baggage, and I'm okay with that. But when skanks start to mess with my money, it becomes a problem.

Corey: Alright. I hear you. I'll take care of it.

Steph: I'm not mad at you babe. It's not your fault. However, I am recommending you get to her before I do. Because I'm gonna lay into her.

Corey: No worries. I told you I'll take care of her.

Corey's Confessional

"I really hate it when my problems surface and affect the ones I love." "Stephanie is a great girl, but Carmella is pushing her to the limit." "She's already gotten snatched up by her once, and she still hasn't learned her lesson." "It surprises me how much one woman will go through to try and make me care." *laughs*


Enzo's Confessional

"I'm at a loss right now." "I know Corey thinks he's won between he and I, but that guy doesn't even know the half of it." "Besides that clown, I've been trying to work things out with Liv." "But I've had no luck." "She's blocked my number, and me on social media." " I really want another chance if she'll have me." "But if not, I at least wanna say I'm sorry to her." "It's the least I could do after treating her so badly when I got caught up."

*Enzo rings Liv's doorbell*

*She answers the door looking confused*

Liv: Who said you could show up at my door step?

Enzo: You know you wouldn't have answered the door if I told you before hand. Besides, I can't even call you anymore. You blocked my number.

Liv: Again. Who the hell told you that it was okay for you to show up here?

Enzo: For the past 2 days, I've been trying to convince myself that I could. But I knew I'd never get it past you.

Liv: You need to leave. Now, Zo.

Enzo: Please Liv. Just let me in. I just wanna apologize. But I can't yell it through the door, if you shut it in my face. Please just let me in. 5 minutes.

Liv: Oh. You wanna come to me with a sob story? When I caught you with Carmella in your room, you didn't care then. You treated me like trash, and the last thing you thought about was apologizing to me. You treated me like some crazy girl that had an unhealthy obsession with you. Like some girl who had this idea that was only in her head that you and her were dating. I was crushed, Zo. I thought you and I would go far. But you only cared about yourself. And since it's been months after that happened, I take it that your night club chicks haven't been doing it for you. Answer me this though. What type of real man treats a woman like that, and doesn't realize he's messed up until MONTHS later!? You haven't laid in the bed you made for nearly long enough. Now there's your 5 minutes. Get the hell off my doorstep.

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