Season 2 Episode 1

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Seth's Confessional
"It's been months since I've seen Dean." "Or should I say Mox." "He went on to stop calling himself Dean and went back to his indies name." "He's also proceeded to go on with discrediting this business." "I know he left because he was unhappy, but he should have more respect for the people who gave him a name." "Also, he punched me in the face on his last day." "I cannot believe he thought I was gonna let that go." "So for the last few weeks, I've been doing interviews throwing jabs at him in hopes of retaliation."

Roman: What the hell are you thinking man?

Seth: What are you talking about?

Roman: Dean has moved on. You sound obsessed in these interviews.

Seth: Until the guy responds, I'm not gonna stop. Why should I anyway? He sucker punched me in the face.

Roman: I get that, but you need to leave this alone before you dig yourself a hole.

Seth: I'm not gonna be in a hole. I want to get my hands on this dude. And I don't care who has a problem with it.

Roman: Well, looks like you got what you wanted. He finally responded to your dumb ass.

Seth: *laughs* What'd he say?

Roman: Look at this.


Interviewer: So. We were brushing up on facts before you came here, and we're hoping to get some follow up on this. We take it that you and Seth Rollins have some heat between you.

Jon: Well...I guess so. Don't get me wrong, I've seen all the shit he's said about me. I've heard the little jabs he takes at me on a daily, but honestly, I don't give a damn. I mean, he's still in a company that works as his mouth piece, and chooses what's best for him. And to top it off, his girlfriend is overshadowing him.

Interviewer: Have you talked to him and asked him what the hell his problem is?

Jon: No, because he's a hard person to talk to sometimes. And it's probably gonna be even harder since I kicked his ass on my last day in the company.

Interviewer: What happened that day?

Jon: I don't wanna go into it, but I will say this. Seth is a smart dude, and he's a veteran. He's got the sense to know that under no circumstances, should he fuck with me. Point blank.

Seth's Confessional
"I can't tell you how cocky this guy has gotten since he left." "He is an arrogant little shit." "I've been following up on him since he left, and he's with Cody's new company, AEW." "Little does he know, he's in for a big surprise." "He doesn't know the new me, but he will soon." "Trust me." "Mox, or whatever the hell he wants to call himself now, he's not gonna know what hit him."
Corey's Confessional
"If I'm being honest, I'm at a loss right now." "Carmella has blocked me on every social media platform she has." "Even though the signing went to hell, the divorce between Amy and I is final." "I know some people would be happy that they're a free man, but I can't seem to feel that way." "How can I be happy that I'm free, if I don't know what to do with my free time?"

Corey sits alone in catering

Enzo: Sup Graves?

Corey: What do you want?

Enzo: Relax man. I just wanted to check on ya. Heard you havin' problems with your sweetheart. One of 'em at least.

Corey: One, stay out of my business. Two, there aren't two. There isn't even one anymore.

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