Running with a Werewolf

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You walked next to Professor Lupin in the tunnel that led back to the Whomping Willow. The two of you were directly followed by a sobbing Pettigrew. After the traitor was Ron, limping bravely. Next came Professor Snape, who was drifting creepily along, closely trailed by Harry, Hermione, and Sirius Black. You and Professor Lupin were silent for quite awhile. Eventually you couldn't take it anymore.

"Professor?" you asked, "Did you need to talk? Is that why you asked me to walk with you?"

"Yes," said Lupin heavily, "I have wanted to talk to you about this for a long time, Y/N, ever since I heard the voice of your mother from your boggart. I simply didn't know how to tell you. I still don't,"

"What is it?" you said, slightly confused. Professor Lupin looked at you with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Y/N, your mother, Carmela, was my sister. This means I'm your uncle," he said. You froze, causing Pettigrew to almost run into you. "I'm sorry," Lupin went on hurriedly, "I should have told you sooner and you must be ashamed of me being a werewolf. It's okay if you don't want anything to do with me, I-," You threw your arms around Professor Lupin. Tears fell from your eyes. You couldn't explain how much this meant to you, having a blood relative. You didn't care he was a werewolf. All that mattered was that he was family. Lupin didn't hug back at first since he was in shock, but then wrapped his arms around you too. You both stood there for a second before letting go and starting to walk again.

"I can't believe you're my actual uncle," you said finally, "You don't understand: I've dreamed about finding a relative for so long and here you are,"

"So, you're not embarrassed by me?" he asked, timidly.

"No," you said, "I'm honored to be your niece," This made Professor Lupin smile.

"I'm truly sorry I didn't tell you sooner. The words always caught in my throat," he said.

"I understand. Really," you said. You couldn't imagine how hard this was for Professor Lupin. Then words began to tumble out of your mouth. "What was my mother like? Why did she go to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts? Do you actually know my father then?" Lupin laughed at you babble, but grew serious found you stopped talking.

"First, I still don't know who your father is. I didn't even know Carmela was going to have you. She... disappeared before the war against Voldemort. In fact, I didn't even know she was dead until I put the pieces together, thanks to your boggart," your uncle said. You nodded slowly. You didn't understand why your mother had disappeared and neither did Lupin. It was quite confusing.

"Well, I'm going to unlock that mystery," you said, looking at Lupin. He looked at you with sad, but excited eyes. You knew he would help you with finding out about your mother and father.

"To answer your other questions," Lupin said, "Carmela was a lot like you: brave, caring, kind, loyal. She was a bit of a prankster as well. I'm sure she would have approved you being friends with Fred and George. We lived in France when while we were growing up after I had been bit, which is why she attended Beauxbatons. Hogwarts, thanks to Dumbledore, was the only school that would take me,"

You and Professor Lupin talked about your mother during the entire walk back to the Whomping Willow. She had been on one of the quidditch teams at Beauxbatons and was great at Transfiguration. Her and Lupin loved to explore when they were little, running around the forest that was behind their home. She always gave him chocolate after his werewolf transformations to make him feel better.

Eventually you made your way to the tree and were able to clamber upward on the grounds. Once you were all out of the tunnel, your group set off again towards the castle. The Hogwarts grounds were very dark. Pettigrew was still wheezing and whimpering. You were drawing closer and closer to Hogwarts when a cloud shifted. Your party was suddenly bathed in moonlight.

Professor Lupin stopped and had gone rigid.

"Professor Lupin?" you asked. You saw his limbs began to shake.

"He didn't take his potion tonight! He's not safe!" cried Hermione.

"Leave it to me- RUN!" shouted Black. But you couldn't. You stood face-to-face with your uncle. You watched as his head and body began to lengthen. His shoulders were becoming hunched and hair was sprouting all over him.

You looked into your uncle's eyes. They were still human. You could tell he was begging you to run.

"Uncle Remus!" you shouted, "Fight it, please! Please!" But you knew there was nothing that could be done. Lupin blinked and his green eyes were now yellow. You stumbled backwards, trying to shield Ron. The werewolf Lupin wretched itself from the manacled that bound him to Pettigrew and Ron.

Suddenly, a black dog, Sirius, leapt and seized the werewolf, pulling him away from you and Ron. The two were locked in combat, ripping at each other. You couldn't take your eyes away from the battle.

You suddenly felt your wand being yanked out of your hand. Pettigrew had leapt for it while you weren't paying attention. Ron, already unsteady, was pulled off his feet and hit his head on a rock. It knocked him out instantly. Hermione screamed as she saw what was happening. Black and Lupin were now running deeper into the forest.

"Baubillious!" cried Pettigrew. A bolt of white light shot from your wand in his hand. You jumped to avoid the charm, but you didn't move far enough away. The light slashed your side. You screamed in pain as blood began to pour out of the massive gash where Pettigrew had grazed you with his jinx.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled. Your wand flew out of Pettigrew's hands as he transformed into his rat form, running off into the night. You stumbled, light headed from the loss of blood. Hermione helped you to the ground. You gripped your side, blood staining your hands. You had never been in such pain. It was as if your entire side had been ripped to shreds.

"We'd better get Y/N, Ron, and Snape up to the castle and tell someone!" Hermione said, shaking. She had pulled off the jacket she was wearing and was now trying to use it to stop your bleeding. You were screamed in pain as she applied pressure to your wound.

Then, you all heard the yelping and whining of a dog in pain.

"Sirius," Harry muttered.

"Go to him," you said to Harry. Tears were falling from your eyes. Blood had now soaked your entire shirt.

"I-," began Harry.

"Go!" you said, "Hermione, you go too. Please. Black is in more trouble than I am. I'll be able to stop my bleeding. Just go help him!" Harry and Hermione bolted away after looking at you one last time.

You looked for your wand. Finally you spotted it in the grass a few feet away. You couldn't stand, so you dragged yourself to it. The gash in your side left a trail of crimson in your wake. Once you grabbed your wand, you pointed it at your side.

"Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur," you said. The blood flowing out of your body slowed. After a bit more muttering, your wound was knit and the blood on your shirt disappeared.

The healing spell, though it had shut the wound, did not replenish the blood you had lost. The moment the spell had done its magic, you collapsed into the grass. Your eyes rolled up into your head and the world went black.

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now