Finding Dates Among Books

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Y/F/Fl: Your Favorite Flower


All anyone could talk about was the Yule Ball.

"Who do you think Lee, Fred and George going to ask?" said Katie.

"Honestly, I have no idea," replied Angelina glumly, "I did see George looking at one of the Beauxbatons girls the other day. Maybe'll they'll ask three of them?"

"I know one of them isn't," you said. Alicia, Katie, and Angelina all stared at you open mouthed.

"Which one?" demanded Alicia. You shrugged.

"Not saying!" you said, laughing at the girls' shocked faces, "You guys will just have to wait and see," Katie started to ask another question, but the post arrived. Owls soared over the heads of the Hogwarts students. You noticed Connolly among them. Your owl swooped down and alighted in front of you. He was carrying a letter from your uncle. Another owl soared toward you and landed next to Connolly. It was a pretty snowy owl with a blue ribbon tied around its neck. The letter had cursive handwriting on the front. You untied the parchments from the two owls' legs. The snowy immediately took off. Connolly, on the other hand, drank some water from your goblet. You opened the envelope with the swirly handwriting first. It read:

I'm so glad you reached out! My mother will be present at the second task if you'd like to speak with her. She's quite kind.
We are staying warm in the carriage. Madame always makes sure our fires are lit.
Merci and tu me manques,

You smiled. Finally, after so long, you were going to talk to someone who knew your mother when she was your age other than your uncle. It was a dream come true. The photographs you had from Madame Maxime were in one of your drawers up in the dormitory. You looked at them every night. Each photo was engraved upon your memory. You turned your attention to Remus' letter.

Dear Y/N,
Your meeting with Madame Maxime sounded wonderful. I'm so glad you are figuring out the steps of your past. It's magnificent. I can't wait to hear what you find out from Mrs. Delacour.
I received your letter about your Defense Against the Dark Arts class just barely. Instituo is a rather rare charm. I do believe it must be the reason for you hearing your parents' voices last year. I will do some research about it.
I hope you are doing well. I'm so happy for Harry and his performance in the First Task. James would be so proud of him.
Keep me updated. If you need anything, I'm here for you.
Uncle Remus

You folded up your uncle's letter, thinking about charms and memories. Alicia eventually broke your string of thought.

"Y/N," she said, "It's time to go to Charms!"

"Oh, right!" you replied, "Coming!"


You slummed down in your seat next to Cedric in the library.

"Long day?" he asked, grinning.

"Didn't think Snape could hate the Gryffindors anymore than he already did," you explained, "And then today happened," Cedric laughed.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Let's just say Lee Jordan is not going to have a day free of detention until next term," you relied, "How's your golden egg going?" Cedric shrugged. The two of you studied in the library together almost every day. Recently Cedric had been going through book after book, trying to get a clue about the screaming.

Heartbeats: Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now