Chapter 2

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We had finished walking down to the store near Karasuno high and we all waited outside for Coach Saito to get our popsicles. It's taking longer than expected so I look through the window to see where our coach is. He's at the checkout talking to the guy behind the counter. Wow he's quite attractive, I've never seen a guy wear a headband other than Asahi, he pulls it off well. They seem to be having a tense conversation, but I can't see either one of them properly, I wonder what they're talking about.

Just as I begin to turn my head back to the group outside, I see Coach Saito wave his hand at me, gesturing for me to come inside. My eyebrows furrow, I don't know why he needs me. I open the stores door and the bell on the inside rings. I walk to the counter, I can feel the guy behind the counters eyes on me, I still haven't got a good look at him yet, but I don't want to look at him in the eyes if he's staring at me, so I just look at Coach Saito.

"Y/n this is Keishin Ukai, he owns this store here, but he also coaches the boys volleyball team."

I shift my focus from Coach Saito over to Ukai, his eyes still on me and his lips slightly turned up at one side smirking at me. He seems to be attempting to intimidate me, so I smirk back looking him straight into his dark brown eyes. I don't want to seem flustered, I won't let his good looks distract me, we need him to coach us and that's all I'm here for.

"I hear you're left without a coach?" He says, leaning over the counter.

"Yeah, seeing as though this old man wants to leave us." I roll my eyes over to Saito and smile jokingly as they both laugh.

"I'm going to start handing these out to the girls." Coach Saito says as he walks out holding a couple of boxes of popsicles, closing the stores door behind him leaving me and Ukai alone.

"Well I don't know if I can handle two teams, it might take some persuasion for me to coach you." Ukai says as he starts to stand up straight, pulling his hands over his head to stretch, but still keeping eye contact with me.

Damn. He's a lot taller than I thought when he stood up straight.

He raises his eyebrows at me waiting for a response.

"Oh sorry, well, is there anything you had in mind?" I say raising my eyebrows back at him.

He tilts his head forward and shows a wide grin, slightly surprised by my answer. I smile back, glad that I don't seem to be nervous even though I am dying inside. Fuckkk he's hot.

"Hmm maybe I do have something in mind." He lowers the tone and volume of his voice leaning back over the counter, coming closer to my face. I can feel my cheeks start to burn and just as I was about to lean in closer to ask what he had in mind, I heard the store bell ring. AHHHH I jolt my head back and turn to look at who had come inside. Coach Saito had given everyone their popsicle and had come back to hear Ukai's response.

"So Ukai, what do you say?" Saito says walking back over to the counter not seeing my sudden change in stance.

We stood in silence for a second, I was sure Ukai was gonna say no so I decided to give him my big puppy dog eyes hoping for him to laugh and give in.

"Only if y/n, that's your name right? Regardless, only if they help me train both teams."

My eyes widen and my jaw drops. He looks down at me and smirks again, almost as if he thought he'd won and I'd give up.

"Fine" I say, attempting to pull off a confident look on my face. "I'll coach with you, if you can keep up with me of course."

He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever" He's given up and he sinks down into his chair pulling out a cigarette from his pocket.

I glow in success that we now have a coach, well two coaches including me.

"Yayyy!" I say almost sarcastically but deep down I'm happy to coach with him.

"Thank you Ukai," Coach Saito says as he bows and hands me the box with one popsicle left before walking back out of the store.


I pull out my lighter and light my cigarette, taking a deep breath in and exhaling a cloud of smoke.

"Just letting you know, I train my boys hard, much harder than Saito. You're the one who's gonna have to keep up with me." I say as she begins to unwrap her popsicle and lick around the sides.

"I'm sure it won't be too hard." She torments as she lengthens her tongue to reach the drips. She stares me dead in the eyes, which stirs something deep inside me. She pushes the whole length into her mouth, surely reaching the back of her throat. Y/n slowly drags it along her tongue and out of her lips. I can feel my eyes slightly widen and the corners of my mouth turn up in anticipation. Lord this girl is a MINOR, I have to stop flirting back with her.

"Ehm, I'll see you at practice tomorrow then," I force out trying to act natural. I'm the one who should be tormenting her, not the other way around.

"I suppose you will Coach." She says as she smiles and winks at me while walking out the store doors. I can't help but stare at the back of her head as she struts away. I can't believe she just did that, and I can't believe I liked it. What is wrong with me, I must be around 10 years older than her and I just enjoyed watching her deepthroat a popsicle in front of me. FUCKKK I hope she couldn't tell I liked it. And I hope she didn't mean it in the way I think she meant it because that would make coaching with her very awkward.

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now