Chapter 6

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Y/n pov

"Hello?" I didn't get a chance to look at who was calling me.

"Hey y/n it's Hiroki, you haven't texted me to say you're home from training yet, is everything okay?"

I take my hair out of my ponytail and run my fingers through it. Ugh he really had to call me right at this moment for that?

"Yeah I'm fine, I just had to help clean up the gym. I'm on my way home now." I'm not on my way but I will have to be soon.

I turn around to see where Keishin is, he still hasn't gotten up from where we were sitting, but he has laid down on his back in an almost starfish position. It makes me smile.

"Okay cool, see you later y/n."

"Bye Hiroki." I hang up, still slightly pissed he had to call me and ruin the moment, but at the same time I don't think I should be doing that sorta stuff with Keishin. He could get in heaps of trouble with the school, even the police. I figure that's what he's thinking about now, he looks kind dead just lying there like that.

"Umm are you okay?" I'm scared for his response.

"Can I get your number?"

My eyes widen and I freeze. I was not expecting that. At all.

"I mean-" he cuts me off.

"For coaching purposes." He sits up to look at me. "Don't want anyone to take it out of context."

That made my heart drop a little but still.

"Yeah I'll give it to you."

I walk over to him and as he stands. Wow now that he's not on the floor sitting down, he's way taller than me standing up. He hands me his phone and I create a new contact. Hmm what should I save my name as. Y/n is too boring. I spend a couple of seconds thinking before deciding 'Bestest coach ever ;)', I want to see his reaction. I hand his phone back to him, he looks at it for a second then looks back up at me. His face is so unimpressed. Just what I was looking for. I giggle which makes him smile, it's a genuine smile lighting up his face. It makes me feel warm inside.

"Bestest isn't even a word." He corrects, not denying the fact I'm the better coach.

I stick my tongue out and roll my eyes at him.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." He looks down at his phone, his bright smile turns to an evil smirk. It's kinda hot not gonna lie. I don't push him any further though, I don't know if he regrets helping me 'stretch' earlier.

"I will have to change this contact name, people may find it a bit weird if they see."

Fair enough, but I frown anyway. He returns the favour and frowns and rolls his eyes back at me. His eyes return to his phone, probably changing my contact name. I figure I better ask him about what happened just before.

"Keishin, with what happened before-" He cuts me off.

"I cleaned up while you stretched if anyone asks, I'm sure they won't but just in case."

Usually I'd be mad he cut me off again, but it doesn't really matter in this situation. I nod and smile as he lifts his head from his phone to meet my eyes.

"Want a lift home? It's pretty late and there's no one here to walk you home."

I think about it for a second, but I don't want to seem annoying. I open my mouth to say I'll be okay but he says something before I can.

"Alright let's go, I've got to lock up the gym. Here are my keys, you can walk to the car while I'm locking up." He chucks me the keys and walks off before I can object. Whatever I'm not complaining about a lift home.

I grab my stuff and walk out of the gym to his car. I've seen it parked outside the store before so I know which one it is. I unlock it and get in the passenger seat. I'm not surprised by the smell, cigarettes and cologne. So...welcoming. I laugh to myself and pull out my phone to check the time: 8:34

Oh wow it is pretty late, I didn't even realise when the sun went down. Fuck I don't even have any food at home, I haven't gone shopping in a while. Ugh I'm such a mess, I need to get on top of things.

I'm in the middle of making a mental list of things I have to do to get organised when the driver's seat door opens. I didn't even see him walk to the car, I must have been deep in thought.

I hand Ukai the keys and he starts the car, and drives out of the car park. I stare out the window for a couple minutes totally forgetting I should be directing him to my house. By the time I notice, we had stopped. I looked over to Keishin getting out of the car.

"Stay here, I've just got to get something."

He closes the door before I can reply and walks in front of the car. I look through the windscreen to see he's parked outside the store and he's unlocking the door. My eyes lids start to feel heavy, I'm so tired. I barely got any sleep last night, I was too busy worrying about training today. I close my eyes and curl my legs up on the seat, waiting for Keishin to get back.

A couple minutes has gone by and I hear the car door open. Something smells really good so I open my eyes. I look over to see Keishin holding warm meat buns for both of us. Ughhh I love meat bunnsss. He laughs when he sees how tired I am.

"Aww does little baby need her nap?" He torments as I take the meat bun from his hand and take a bite.

"Ugh shut up." I groan with a mouth full of food. He laughs again.

"Thank you for this." I say gratefully, I really am thankful he got me this, I didn't realise how hungry I was until now.

"No problem." He says as he starts the car and pulls out of the car spot.

I give him the directions while chewing on my food, it will only be a quick drive. I can see he hasn't eaten any of his meat bun yet and I would feel bad if it went cold while he was driving me home, so I pick it up and hold it up to his mouth. He glances over to me for a second before taking a bite. I put the meat bun down and smile while he chews.

Before long, we arrive at my house and he parks against the curb.

"Thank you Keishin," I say after getting my things out of the car.

"Anytime, bestest coach ever."

I giggle and walk to my door as he drives away.

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now