Chapter 5

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Ukai pov

Kiyoko nods and smiles as she heads out of the gym with everyone else. I see y/n in the corner of my eyes folding her arms and pouting.

"What?" I ask, knowing it's because she has to help me clean up.

"Ughhh I don't want to cleannn." She mopes as she bends over to pick up the balls near her. I wanted to ask her something, that's why I said we would clean up together.

"Y/n, you know if you wanted to come see me while I'm at work you can at least say hi, right?" I mock as I begin taking down the nets.

I see her body stiffen as she stands up straight. She keeps her back facing me, I can tell she's flustered, and I'm glad, it's quite funny.

"I don't know what you mean." She plays dumb hoping I won't push it again. But I will of course, that's what I love doing.

"I saw you staring at me through the store windows this morning. If you wanted to see me you could have just said."

She turns and I see her face go bright red as she drops the ball she's holding. I start walking over to her, my presence coming closer is making her even more nervous, I love it. I lean over to pick up the ball she dropped when I feel her hands on the ball underneath mine. I lift my eyes to meet hers. Wow they're a gorgeous e/c, I haven't seen them up this close before. We stay there for a couple of seconds staring at each other, it feels like forever and I'm not complaining. I can feel her pulling her hands out from underneath mine, I let go and wait for her to move before picking up the ball. I don't know why but that made my heart sink a little.

"Oh um, I wasn't looking for you I- um, I don't know, I just wanted to look inside." Her voice raises slightly and I know she feels too embarrassed to even be near me right now, that's probably why she pulled her hands away from mine. I think it's time to stop teasing her.

"I'm kidding y/n, I'm only teasing, but if you are walking past the shop it would be nice to see you."

Her body seems to relax slightly and her lips turn up at the sides to show a cute smile. She nods her head agreeing and finishes putting the balls away.


I finish putting all the equipment away in the storage cupboard but as I'm walking back, the back of my thigh is killing me. Ugh I'm trying to massage it out but I can't reach the right spot.

"You okay?" Keishin asks me, I didn't know he was watching me until now, he looks a bit concerned, which is surprising because he usually has a tough, smug expression on his face.

"Yeah I'm okay, I'm just a little tight that's all." Fuck that sounded really wrong.

I'm lying though my teeth, I'm trying not to make a big deal about it but it's been hurting all training and I can't rub it out myself.

"Here let me help," he says as he walk closer to me holding his hand out. I hesitantly put my hand in his, it's warm and surprisingly smooth.

"Sit down for me." I do as he says.

"Okay now put your legs out but bend them slightly so your knees aren't locked."

I have no idea how this will help but I do it anyway. I feel his body come closer to mine, he sits down right behind me, I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. It makes every inch of me tingle. I feel like I should move away from him but my body doesn't want to move. His arm reaches around me and underneath my thigh. His torso is pressed against my back, he feels so warm and it makes my body relax. His hand rubs all around my thigh. As he moves his hand to the back, I feel exactly where it's tight. I'm pretty sure he feels it too as he begins to rub harder and his grip gets tighter. I let out a small whimper, and he stops for a second.

"It's okay, I'll go easy on you." He whispers into my ear making my head tilt back and rest on his shoulder.

It hurts a lot but it's a good type of hurt. He rubs in slow circular motions, it feels 10 times better already, fuck he's good. He can tell I like it and his hands slide up my leg, the tips of his fingers caress my skin. They reach the hem of my volleyball shorts and he traces the edge with his thumbs. It feels so good, my eyes start to close from his soft touch. Just as he started moving his hands under my shorts I jump to the sound of my phone ringing.

My head snaps up straight and Ukai's separates his hand from my thigh. I quickly stand on my feet and turn to get my phone.

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now