Chapter 3

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Y/n pov

I walk home as fast as I can, lucky I live only 5 minutes from the store. I rush to the door and unlock it as quick as I can with my key. I open it and hurry inside, slamming the door shut and leaning on the back of it inhaling deeply trying to catch my breath. I stare into the empty living room with wide eyes for a couple of seconds before walking to the couch to grab a pillow. I sit down slowly, eyes still huge, and scream into the pillow. I can't tell whether my screams are happy, that I get to spend time with Coach Ukai training the teams, or embarrassed screams considering I JUST SENSUALLY DEEPTHROATED A POPSICLE INFRONT OF HIS FINE ASS. Probably and most likely the second option.

I am glad that my parents aren't home at the moment, which is a change, I usually hate when they're out but that seems to be all the time lately. They both work for the same company and they tell me they have to take on extra hours at work to keep their jobs. Apparently this is because one of their competing companies disbanded and people are looking for work.

My older brother, Hiroki, is never home either but we're still close. Even though we don't spend a lot of time together in person, we always keep in contact with each other while he's off doing who knows what with his friends. He's quite a few years older than me but that doesn't stop him from doing stupid shit with me when we're together. Of course I don't like getting in trouble but that's what Hiroki says is the most exciting part.

I pull out my phone to message him, even though he's very reckless he is still very protective of me and always wants to know I'm safe.

Y/N: hey im home when r u coming back?

I put my phone down on the sofa and decide to make myself something easy for dinner. I scan the cupboard and there's nothing much that appeals to my appetite at the moment so I decide ramen it is.

I grab my noodles and sit on the couch to watch tv and try to take my mind of my questionable encounter at the store. As soon as I grab the remote my phone buzzes and I check it straight away.

Hiroki: I wont be home for a couple days, i'll let u know sorry

I roll my eyes but I'm not surprised, he does this all the time. Before I put my phone down I decide to call Daichi to tell him about our teams training together and me now having to help coach. I will however, leave out the part where I met Ukai, I think that's for the best.

The phone only rang a couple times before he picked up which is surprising because Daichi is never on his phone.

"Hi y/n, what's up?"

"Hey Daichi, Coach Saito is moving to Shiratorizowa, leaving my team without a coach. But he somehow persuaded your coach, to train both teams until we get someone new."

"Oh no that sucks that you guys are losing Saito, but it will be fun for you girls to train with us. But yes I do agree I'm surprised Ukai agreed to coach both teams, that's quite out of character for him."

"That's what I thought, until he told Saito that he will only coach both teams if I help him co-coach, seeing as though I'm the captain."

"Oh wow that's a big responsibility for you, did you agree?"

"I had to because my team needs a coach. I'm not complaining though..."

My voice lowers as I whisper under my breath.

"... he's pretty hot."

"Sorry what was that y/n? I didn't hear."

"OH nothing nothing, I just said it will be good experience."

"Oh right okay, I agree it will be good for you and both teams. I've got to go now but I'll catch up with you tomorrow. See ya."

"Byyee." I hang up and sigh in relief. I'm really not looking forward to training tomorrow ughhhh.

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now