Chapter 15

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The game went fast, also considering we are only playing one set against each team, then rotating. We ended up losing to Nekoma, their setter is really smart, I think his name is Kenma. Him and Kuroo work really well together, they must know each other well, or at least know what each other's playing style is like. We didn't lose by much though, we kept up pretty well. Kuroo seems to be impressed with our team, I'm glad we could be good competition to them.

"You girls are pretty good I must say. Maybe it's your coach that's making you guys perform so well," Kuroo has come over to shake our hands, but also to rub it in a little.

"Well I'm glad we could keep up, you're not too bad yourself," Kuroo takes my hand to shake it and I hold on tight and pull him closer to whisper in his ear.

"And yes it is our coach that's making us play so well, I am the best of the best remember?"

His lips turn into a sharp grin. He winks at me as he moves on to the next player to shake hands.

I figure I should check in with Ukai for him to give me advice, so I walk over to the boys court to consult him. The boys are still playing, Fukorudani and our Karasuno team are fairly equal in strength by the look of it. I park myself next to Keishin in silence, he's concentrating on the game. I like watching his face slightly twist and contort when the boys look like they're about to lose a point, and when his shoulders relax after they gain back the offence and score.

Soon enough the boys finish up their match, our boys took the win. One of the Fukorudani players does not look impressed, his black and grey hair spiked up above his head, he looks like he's moping about. Daichi leads a warm down and Ukai can finally relax.

"How'd your team go y/n?" He doesn't face me fully while talking to me, he's still watching the boys on the court.

"Uhhh well... we lost. But, we kept up for most of the game and their setter is so good, so I think we did fairly well."

He finally turns to look me in the eyes, a smile creeps onto his face.

"What? Let me guess, you're going to mock me because I'm the coach and captain of the girls team and we lost. Go ahead." I roll my eyes and fold my arms, we did our best so I won't take any slander from him right now.

"No no, I was actually going to say you girls did better than I expected. I glanced over every now and again and you seemed to be doing well. I always underestimate you. Plus I'm the coach of your team too so it is partially my fault you lost as well."

That was unexpected, he would usually take that chance to have a go at my coaching skills. Either way I'm taking the compliment.

"Well thank you, I guess I couldn't have done it without your reassurance."

"It's nice to know that I'm needed," he smiles and turns back to the boys. I should probably get back to my girls too.


We spent the whole weekend playing practise matches and training. We barely got any sleep the past couple days. It's the last night before we leave tomorrow morning. Although I'm sad the trip has come to an end, I can feel my team improving which is a good sign all this hard work has paid off. We have bonded as a group, not only with the girls but with the boys, our teams have started to become really close with one another. I'm sure this will make training easier for Ukai, maybe he can handle two teams and we won't need a replacement coach. I'll talk about it with him later.

We're packing up all our equipment we brought and putting it on the bus so we can leave early in the morning before school starts on Monday. We will probably be a bit late but I don't really care, school bores my heart out so I don't mind missing a couple days here and there for myself.

"Ukai-san? The sun is going down and we still have to pack all these nets away before we go to bed, we should probably try and work quicker."

"It's okay y/n, we could always just leave the rest of the equipment next to the bus and pack it in the morning when it's light."

"But what if someone tries to steal it? Or it rains or something?" I don't want to be responsible for soaking wet or stolen school equipment.

"It's on school grounds, it will be fine. We'll just leave it here and pack the rest onto the bus in the morning."

I don't really like the sound of leaving everything out in the open but it's getting dark and I don't want to be tired tomorrow before school.

"Yeah okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning then," I smile and turn to walk back to my room.

"See ya y/n."


The rest of the team and I have packed up all our things, except for our futons and clothes for tomorrow. I was the last into bed, I wanted to make sure we wouldn't leave anything behind.

As soon as I shut my eyes to sleep, I hear a slight pitter-patter of rain on the roof. It's soothing as I drift into a deeper sleep. But as I get drowsier, the rain gets heavier, almost too loud to fall asleep to. In a couple minutes, it's pelting down, huge droplets showered against the glass windows, echoing through the school corridors. I've always loved listening to the rain while I lay in bed, it's nice to think with the sound in the background.

I wonder if I'm the only one still awake right now. Ukai says he stays up later than all the other coaches, he's used to functioning with very little sleep. Although he's still grumpy when he's tired. He's probably awake right now, lying in bed and thinking, just like me. However I'm thinking about him right now and he's probably thinking about the girl he likes. He seemed to really like her when he told me about her near the bus the other day. He kept smiling while unpacking all the equipment.

Shit. The equipment. It's fucking pelting and it's not on the bus yet.

Instinctively, I stand and run out the door. I'm glad the spot I chose to sleep in was near the door now. I sprinted through the corridors in my navy pyjama short and white t-shirt. I find the nearest exit as close as I can to the bus and open the door. The sound is deafening as it funnels through the open doorway, but I don't have time to care about getting wet. I see the equipment right next to the bus, it won't take me long to shove it all into the storage space. I race to the equipment and begin to ram it all into the compartment where everything else was packed. I faintly hear the door of the building shut behind me but I think nothing of it as I'm too focussed on getting this out of the rain or we will have to dry it off early tomorrow morning which will be a pain. It's freezing in my short sleeve shirt and pants but at least I'm glad Ukai left the bus unlocked so I can pack everything away.

Soon after I finish shoving everything into the bus and I shut the compartment. I'll have to have a boiling hot shower after this, I'm drenched and shaking from the cold. It probably would have been a better idea to just let the equipment get wet and dry it tomorrow. Oh well, it's too late now.

I rush back to the door I came out from and tug on the handle, though it doesn't open. I yank it again and try to pull the door open but it won't budge. Shit. It's fucking locked behind me. 

Authors note:

Sorry y'all this is a boring chapter, I'm almost finished writing the next one,  and I promise it will start to get interestingggg 

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now