Chapter 8

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Y/n pov

I've texted Kageyama and Hinata to come over. It's pretty early on a Saturday but I want to get this tutoring over and done with for the day. I get all my notes ready and make some snacks for them, I know they get really hungry, especially when they're concentrating hard.

Just as I was finishing making the food, they arrive and I help them with their study. Kageyama needs a lot of help with English and Hinata needs help all round his subjects. We sit down for a couple hours, taking breaks when we need to. They seem to be getting the hang of most areas which is a good start. We finish up around lunch, Daichi said he would come over when we're done. Kageyama and Hinata thank me for tutoring them and make their way home. I put on the tv and wait for Daichi to come over, I'm starving and I want to make lunch but I better wait for him to get here before I decide what to eat.

Around 10 minutes goes by and I hear a knock at the door. I yell 'come in', I already know it's Daichi and I'm too lazy to get the door. He walks in with two plastic bags in his hands and places them on the kitchen bench.

"Hey Daichi, what's that?"

"I bought us lunch, I figured you'd be starving after having to look after Hinata and Kageyama. I got udon and meat buns because I know you love them."

"Oh Daichi you didn't have to, that's so nice of you." I stand up from the couch and give Daichi a hug for getting us lunch.

"No problem, I wanted to say thank you anyway, for helping coach and for tutoring the boys. Our team would not survive without you."

I smile at him and grab some plates before sitting on the couch. We eat and talk about school and training. Our exams are coming up so I have to study for them as well as coach and play and tutor. I have a lot on my plate at the moment.

"Y/n, I was just wondering, do you like anyone? You just don't seem to show interest in anyone at school so I was just curious to see if you have a crush on anyone."

I laugh at his question, but I do see his point, I haven't really shown any interest in anyone at school.

"No I don't think I like anyone right now."

I can see his expression drop slightly but I guess he just wants me to find someone to go out with.

"Look Daichi, I'll keep an eye out for anyone that peaks my interest okay?"

His face lights up again, that's more like it.

"Good y/n, I want you to be with someone that can make you happy. You spend a lot of time at home alone and I don't want you to get lonely. Plus you're a great girl so I'm sure plenty of girls an guys want to ask you out." His voice trails off slightly at the end.

I've had a couple people ask me on dates before, I've always said that I was busy but maybe another time because I didn't want to hurt their feelings.

"Well I don't get lonely here, I have you to talk to and I keep myself busy with training and study. I've never been on a date before but I'll keep an open mind. Don't worry about me. And how about you? You don't have a girlfriend, do you like anyone?"

"Yeah I do like someone, but I don't think they like me back. It's fine though, I'll tell them eventually."

"I'm sure they'd like you back, who couldn't love you. Big, handsome captain of the volleyball team. You're smart and determined, I'm sure they'd love to go out with you."

"Yeah I guess." His face drops again, he seems really down.

"Come here. I'll put on a movie and we can just chill here for the rest of the day if you'd like." I hold my arms out for him come and give me a hug. I really want Daichi to be happy, I hope whoever he likes, likes him back.

We spend the afternoon together watching movies and talking before Daichi heads home. I'm pretty sure Hiroki said he would be coming back tonight to pick some things up before leaving again so I stay down stairs for when he arrives.

I wait a couple hours down stairs before I hear a car pull up in the driveway. I assume it's Hiroki so I get up and open the door. He's walking up the driveway with his duffle bag in his hand and waving at me with the other. I wave back and hold the door open for him to come inside.

"Hey y/n how are you?"

"I'm alright, how are you?"

"Tired. I joined a band one of my friends was in, their bass player dropped out so he asked me to take his spot. Lucky I've still got my old bass upstairs, that's why I came home to get it."

It kinda hurt him not coming home to see me but I know he still cares about me enough to text me every night to make sure I'm safe.

"That's great, make sure you record you guys playing, I'd like to watch it sometime."

"Yeah sure. I can't stay for long though, the band is waiting back in Tokyo."

He takes his bag upstairs and I presume he's packing the rest of his clothes and grabbing his old bass. I used to play the piano when I was younger but I gave it up so I could focus on volleyball.

I'm waiting downstairs for him to finish packing when I get a text from Yui.

Yui: A third year in class 2 is throwing a party tonight and a bunch of us are going you should come.

I wouldn't mind going to a party, it would be good to get my mind off things, I've been so busy lately.

Y/N: Yeah I'll go, what's the address?

Yui sent the address, it's not too far from here, only about 15 minutes away. I'm not sure how I'll get there though. Hiroki has finished packing and is lugging his stuff downstairs. I help him with his bass and put it in his car. Oh I should ask Hiroki to give me a lift.

"Hey Hiroki could you give me a lift to this party? It's not too far away and it won't take long."

"Fine, you have to direct me though."

I thank Hiroki and quickly run inside to change. I put on a checked skirt and a black crop top. I rush my makeup routine and brush out my hair. Hiroki is waiting outside and I hear him yell for me to hurry up so I finish up and get my things to leave.

I direct him to the house and he drops me off. I thank him again and walk into the party. Yui is standing near the kitchen so I make my way over to her.

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