Chapter 4

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Y/n pov

I get ready for school and pack my clothes for training, I'm dreading this so much. I want this day to go slow but knowing my luck it will go extra fast today. I walk up the hill, almost past the store Ukai owns, but I decide to peek inside to see if he's there. As I expected, he's sitting on his chair, feet on the counter with a cigarette in his mouth scrolling through his phone. I don't want him to notice me, so I turn around and walk the rest of the way to school quickly.


Sure enough the day went fast and it was time for training. I slowly walked down the halls on my way to the gym to get changed, I was dragging my feet but I knew I couldn't be too late on my first day coaching. Ughhh coaching, I sighed and picked up the pace a little.

I had finished changing and I forced myself to enter the gym. Lucky for me, when I stuck my head through the doors, Ukai wasn't there yet, I don't want to get in trouble with him, he seems like the type to give harsh punishments. I mean, I don't really mind... SHUT UPPP. I need to stop thinking about that.

I walk over to see Daichi and Suga stretching so I decide to join them.

"Hey guys, can I join you?" I already know they will say yes but nothing wrong with being polite.

"Yeah sure y/n. Are you excited to coach today?" Suga asks, I assume Daichi already told him, they talk about everything together.

"Umm yeah kinda, I'm a little nervous but I'm sure I'll get over it." I am still not mentioning the real reason why I'm nervous.

"I'm sure you'll be great." Daichi assures me and pulls me in for a hug. He's always been a good hugger, his hugs make me feel at peace. I close my eyes as he squeezes me tight, but I feel like someone's eyes are burning a hole in the back of my head. I open my eyes as Daichi lets go, and I turn around to see if anyone's staring at me.

I'm usually really good at sensing those types of things so when I turn to see Coach Ukai eyeing me off I'm not surprised I felt like I was being watched. His face is very stern and his eyebrows are slightly furrowed. Omg he's going to kill me. I start to turn around, his expression is quite terrifying but I see him raise his hand to point at me. My cheeks go red as I see his finger then lower to point down at the ground next to him, calling me over like a dog that had run away from its enraged owner.

I can feel my fearless persona disintegrate from last night, he can probably tell I'm shitting myself right now. I slowly walk over to where he's standing at the edge of the court, not making any sudden movements that will set him off. I park myself next to him, both of us looking straight forward, not making eye contact.

Ukai pov

"BOYS! Finish your stretches and go through the receiving drills we went over last training with the girls!" I can see y/n stand up slightly straighter when I yell. It puts a smug grin on my face.

Everyone begins their drills and we stand there silently for a couple minutes. I can hear her take a breath in like she's about to say something but she stops.

"What is it?" I ask, curious to see what it is.

"Oh um, I was just wondering if I should train too, I mean I am still a player."

"In a minute. So I see you and Daichi are close."

She looks at me in disapproval, her face saying 'this is what you asked me here for'. I need to say something else or she will think I'm prying into her personal life.

"Both captains being close friends, very cliche."

"Haha... yeah..." She looks and sounds nervous so I'll just move on. That was embarrassing.

"We will be focussing on receives the next couple trainings, both teams could improve in that area. Is that okay with you, Coach y/n?" I keep my head facing forward but I look down at her through the corner of my eyes to see her smile slightly and her cheeks tinted pink, avoiding my glance. Cute.

"Yes that sounds great, Coach Ukai." She says in a sarcastic, mocking tone which makes me smile widely.

"Just call me Keishin, seeing as though we are coaching together." I can see her look up at me with big eyes and a grin, she's very pretty.

"Okay y/n you can go train now." I look down at her and she jumps a little, like she forgot why she was at training.

"Thank you Co-, Keishin," she says as she runs off smiling.

After about half an hour of receiving drills I decide to change it up a bit. I wanna see how she plays.

"Alright everybody bring it in."

I wait a couple of seconds for everyone to gather around me before I separate them again.

"Daichi, get the starting line-up ready, we're playing a practise match against the girls. Y/n you do the same with your girls."

I hear some of the girls giggle and whisper to each other, blushing when I mentioned them. I scan for y/n's face and I smile, she smiles back and nods. Everyone gets together in their teams and I walk over to the boys. I join in their enclosed circle and whisper to them.

"You've got to beat these girls, I've never seen them play before but I have a feeling it will be a tough match." They all nod agreeingly and take their spots on the court, the girls are already ready and y/n is serving first, this will be good.

I can see her focussing but not too intensely that she seems anxious. She throws the ball up high, a jump serve which takes a lot of skill. She takes a couple quick steps forward and jumps, higher than I thought she would. Her right arms swings at the ball and slams it on the side making the ball curve on a huge angle towards the left, back corner right past Daichi's head. The ball punches the corner of the court making a deafening echo throughout the gym. The boys turn to see the ball bouncing away, all their eyes wide and jaws dropping in shock. They all begin bickering about how they think they should strategize against her. Though on the opposite side of the court I see the girls crowding y/n, giving her high fives and hugging her. She ignores the praises for a second to look in my direction on the side of the court. I cross my arms, attempting to look unimpressed, I knew she would be good but Jesus, a service ace the first round, and one of our best receivers didn't even have time to react?

A small complacent grin reveals itself across her face. She knows I'm impressed and that slightly pisses me off. She takes her eyes off me and back to her team, thanking them for their compliments.


Training finished soon enough and the girls won two sets in a row. I'm slightly surprised that the boys didn't put up a better fight but if it was an official match I'd say the outcome would be a lot different.

"Alright I'll see everyone tomorrow, Kiyoko, can you please organise a roster on who has to clean up the gym after training? Two boys from my team and two girls from y/n's team alternating would be good."

"Yes sure."

"Thank you,  y/n and I will stay to clean up today, the roster can start from tomorrow." It will give me a chance to talk to y/n alone.

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя