Chapter 9

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Y/n pov

It's been a couple hours and the party is starting to die down at about 1 am. I've had a couple of drinks enough to make me a little tipsy but not flat out drunk. Yui said her parents can take me home around now so I decide to look for her to double check if it's okay with her. I spot her on the coach with a couple of guys, a tall dark haired one notices me walking towards them and gets up to meet me before I reach the couches.

"Hey honey who ya lookin' for?"

I can tell he's piss drunk and I just want to find Yui to get out of here.

"I'm looking for Yui she's supposed to be taking me home." I'm leaning around his big frame to look for Yui, trying not to make eye contact with him.

"Heyyy Yuiii, you don't need to take- what's your name?"

"Y/n" I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"Yeahhh okayyy, you don't have to take y/n home, I've got it."

Before I could object I see Yui give a thumbs up and the guy grabs my hand and drags me down the hallway. I don't even know this guy's name. I'm trying to pull away but he's squeezing my hand so tightly I can feel it start to tingle. He opens the door to the bedroom and yanks me into the room by my hand. He finally lets go and I retreat back a couple steps before he closes the door. Oh fuck what have I gotten myself into. Think think think, I am not letting this happen right now.

He turns back to me and starts slowly approaching me. I don't want to get anywhere near him so I take a couple more steps. The more steps he takes forward, the more I take back. I hit my heel on the edge of the bed and fall back onto the mattress. Fuck now I'm lying on the bed and he can get to me. He leans down over me and puts his hand on my thigh. I close my eyes tightly and turn my head away. His fingers move under my skirt and I can feel them tracing the edge of my underwear. FUCKKKK I want to scream but the words are stuck in my throat. Think y/n think for fucks sake!

"I uhh- I have to go to the bathroom. "

His hands stay under my skirt and he doesn't move. Okay I need to be convincing.

"I want to do this really, I just need to use the bathroom right now. I'll be back right away I promise."

The words taste sour coming out of my mouth but he's pretty drunk so I hope he's easily persuaded. I feel his hands move down my thigh as he moves over for me to get up. THANK THE FUCKING LORD. I quickly stand up and open the door, I can feel him following me so I don't run away making it obvious I want to get out of here. I walk down the hallway and turn to see if he's still following me. He stopped at the doorway of the bedroom but he's watching me to make sure I actually go to the bathroom. Fuck how am I meant to get out of there, it's a dead end. I rush into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. What am I going to do now, I've got no way out. I look around and in the cabinets for something sharp I can use against him just in case I have to. A key on the window sill catches my eye and I grab it to use as a small shank.

Hold on, this is meant for the window. YES OMG ILL CLIMB OUT THE WINDOW. Wow for the given circumstances luck is on my side at the moment. Touch wood though I don't want to jinx it. I stand on the bath and unlock the window. I shiver as I hear a knock on the door.

"Sweeeethearrrttt, are you cominggg?"

Shit it's him, okay I have to reply or he will probably break down the door.

"Yes I'm coming just one second!" I put on an excited voice to make it sound more convincing. My head is pounding, the alcohol is not helping right now.

I slowly open the window, trying not to make and sound and climb through. Lucky I'm on the first floor otherwise things would have ended up way differently. I jump out and my ankle hits the glass on the way down. The sound was really loud and I'm sure he would have heard it if he was standing right outside the bathroom. I land on all fours on the lawn, and get on my feet as quickly as I can. If he heard that and he comes after me who knows what he'll do to me. The thought terrifies me so instead of standing there waiting for something horrible to happen I sprint down the road occasionally looking back to see if he's after me.

Again, lucky for me I can't see him and the house is no longer in sight. I look around to see if there's anywhere to sit down and take a breath. When I see a playground about 20 meters away, I rush over and climb the equipment. There's a tunnel between the two elevated areas that I crawl into and lie down. My heart is pumping harder than ever before and I can barely catch my breath. I just want to go home but now I don't want to go back to the party to go with Yui so I'll have to think of a better option.

I scroll through the contacts on my phone to see Daichi's number. He's had his license for a couple months now seeing as though he's 18 but I'm pretty sure he won't be awake at this hour. I check the time and its 1:38 am, yeah he definitely won't be awake. I decide to call him anyway in the odd chance he's not asleep. The phone rings and I get sent to voicemail. I call again just to make sure, and again, voicemail. Shit I don't know anyone else with their licence that can take me home. Hiroki would but he's probably in Tokyo by now and he wouldn't drive all the way back here in the middle of the night, which is fair and I get that. I'm 18 and old enough to get my licence but because my parents are so busy, they haven't had time to teach me. This would be a really convenient time to have my own car.

I keep scrolling through my contacts to find someone, if I do it will be a gift from God. I'm getting right down to the bottom of the list and my heart is sinking lower and lower. Right as I was about to give up, I get to the contacts starting with U and I see Ukai's name. I mean, he's got his license and he seems like the type of person to stay up late. My finger hovers above the call button as I stare down at his number.

No, I can't call him. He's my coach and he probably doesn't want to go pick up some kid in the middle of the night. Ugh but he's my only option and I just want to go home. I'm sure he'll understand if I tell him what happened. But do I want to tell him? I don't want him to pity me and look at me like I'm weak. No he wouldn't do that, he would get it. Ugh whatever I'm calling him, if he doesn't want to come he can always say no.

I click call and the longer it rings the more anxious I get. No, he's gonna say no, I should just hang up. As I take the phone away from my ear and go to hang up, I see the numbers on the screen go from 00:00 to 00:01. Omg he picked up fuck. I bring the phone back up to my ear and hear his voice.

"Hello? It's like 2 in the morning, who is this?"

Shit I must still have my caller ID off after Tanaka and Nishinoya stole my phone and decided to prank call the local pizza place after practise last week.

"Uhhh heyyy Ukai it's y/n... I need to ask a huge favour."

Trying to talk to him on the phone is making my headache so much worse.

"Oh um, okay, what is it?" He clears his throat, I can tell he's surprised it's me.

"Please please please can you pick me up from this party I'm at right now, some guy was grabbing me and cornered me in the bedroom and putting his hand under my skirt and I had to jump out a window and I ran away and now I'm in a playground all by myself and I don't have a ride home and you're the only person I could think of to call so please pick me up, please." I can feel the tears well up in my eyes start streaming down my face as I'm blurting out everything that's happened. My voice is cracking as I'm holding back the tears as best I can, I hope he can't tell.

"Jesus y/n, please don't cry."

Fuck he can tell I'm crying.

"Send me the address and I'll be there as soon as I can."

I thank him as I'm wailing and I send the address of the party to his number. I make sure to include the part where I'm actually down the road in a tunnel in the playground so he doesn't get lost looking for me. I close my eyes and wait, I feel relieved knowing he's coming to get me but for now, I'm still alone in the middle of nowhere crying my eyes out.

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now