Chapter 14

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I walk over to Ukai near the bus, I'm not as hesitant as before, I've already been tested today so I'm prepared to snap again.

"What do you want?"

Damn that sounded angrier than I intended, but whatever.

"What's with you and Daichi?"

"Nothing, we're friends. The real question is why every guy seems to wanna know what's up with me and other guy. Why does everyone care so much?"

I raise my eyebrows and fold my arms back at him. He smiles slightly, like he knows something I don't.

"Let me guess, Daichi asked about you and the Nekoma Captain, right?"

I hate how he's always right.

"Yes, and if you're so understanding of the situation, would you care to enlighten me as to why he would care about Kuroo, or why you care about me and Daichi?"

His posture stiffens slightly, like I hit a nerve or something.

"I don't care about you and Daichi, I was just wondering if you guys were like together or something. He seems to be very... interested in you."

No way he can mean what he's implying.

"What, so you're saying you think Daichi likes me?"

"I don't think so, I know so. That's why he asked about the Nekoma Captain, because he was jealous."

No. Freaking. Way. I feel my jaw drop to the floor. It makes so much more sense now. The person he told me he had a crush on, why he would always hug me, why he wanted to be my partner for the trip. Now, why he was so upset about me talking to Kuroo. Again, I hate how Keishin's always right.

"Uhhh earth to y/n? Do I have to take you to the nurse or something, you look like you're about to faint."

I snap my mouth shut and gain my composure again.

"No I'm fine. Just... surprised, that's all. How do you know all this stuff?"

"I'm just an expert at love."

He closes his eyes and lifts his chin up high, proudly. I roll my eyes in return.

"Yeah yeah whatever. But seriously, how do you know?"

He climbs back off his pedestal of pride, and pauses for a second.

"Speaking from... experience."

"You mean, you're telling me that you've been in the same situation as Daichi?"

"Currently, yes."

CURRENTLY? He likes someone now? Well that kinda stings, but it's cute that he has a crush on someone. It's funny when I say it like that, he's too old to have a crush.

"Well who's this dream girl then huh? You better show me a picture, is she pretty?"

He smiles to himself, he must be thinking of her. Again, that hurts. He seems to be lost in thought.

"She's very pretty, the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

"Simp. Well show me a picture."

He laughs and rolls his eyes. Seeing him smile makes me warm inside. It's nice to see him look so happy thinking about someone, even though it's not me. Well obviously it wouldn't be me, he would never like a girl like me.

"I can't show you a picture right now, maybe later."

I frown but I don't push him. I should get my things inside anyway.

"Alright get your stuff inside, we've got practise matches to attend to."

I grab my bags and head inside with Ukai.

We're sleeping in a classroom that's been emptied for the weekend. It's quite big without all the desks and chairs. I'm glad, I hate not having my own space to do my own stuff. Of course, the girls and boys are in separate rooms, but they're right next to each other so I don't really think that will stop Tanaka and Noya from trying to do something stupid with us.

I set my futon next to Yui, I make sure I'm close to the door just in case I want to leave during the night. Sometimes I can't sleep so I have to go for a walk or do something productive. If I'm stuck in a room full of other people and I can't sleep, it's going to be a long night.

We don't spend long setting up, we're getting straight into the practise matches today. We all get changed into our gear and head down to the gym. I'm kinda nervous to play the other teams, they've trained as a team longer than we have so their dynamic must be really good, but I'm still confident in our own abilities. I'm mostly nervous to prove myself to Kuroo, but I have to remember to play as a team, I don't want to get caught up trying to be the best on the court and leave the rest of my team behind.

The gym here is huge, way bigger than what we have at Karasuno. We walk in slowly, Yui is clinging to my arm, I can tell she's shitting herself right now, she gets really nervous before official matches so I'm sure playing against a bunch of strong and tall guys, is freaking her out. She's the type to just assume every gut that plays will be better than her, which is obviously not true.

"Yui it's okay, you'll do great. They're not official matches anyway, it's just for a fun practice remember?"

"Yeah I remember." She mumbles, loosening her grip on my slightly.

We meet with the other Karasuno team who are already there warming up. Now that both of our teams will be playing different matches at the same time, Ukai can't coach both of us. I go over to where he's standing on the side of the court to ask what I should do.

"Keishin, do you want me to lead the girls in warm-up or should we just do what the boys are doing?"

He smiles at my question.

"Y/n, remember you're the coach too, so you can lead the girls. You're gonna have to take control this weekend while I'm with the boys."

I nod my head in response. I've never really lead the girls properly in warm-up or in matches. I just encourage them while Coach Saito tells us what to do. I don't want to come off as bossy or anything.

I start to walk back to the girls when Ukai grabs my hand. I turn to meet his eyes staring into mine. He looks... soft. It's hard to explain, but his usual tough, slightly pissed off expression has turned to a light, empathetic gesture.

"Y/n I know you're nervous to coach the girls by yourself but you're a great leader and I know you'll do an amazing job."

What's this? Ukai complimenting me? Is he feeling okay?

"I'll keep an eye on you, so just let me know if you need help."

He's still staring into my eyes, it's making my whole body melt.

"Just don't screw up, okay?"

His lips twist into a smug grin. There he is.

I smile back, I'm too nervous to speak so I wink as he lets go of my arm.

I walk back over to my team, they moved to the court we're playing on first to start stretching. I look over to see who we're playing first when I see Kuroo on the other side of the net smirking at me. Great, Nekoma first. I smirk back, attempting to look confident. I'm sure I'll get used to coaching as we go. We better start warming up though.

"PINCH SERVERS, SERVE FOR OUR STARTING LINE-UP, EVERYONE ELSE LET'S START THE RECEIVING DRILLS JUST LIKE AT KARASUNO." I raise my voice louder than usual, loud enough for my team to hear and start doing what I say, but not too loud that everyone in the gym can hear.

I turn to see if Ukai's keeping an eye on us, I needed that reassurance he gave me just before. Sure enough I see he's standing on the side of the boys court, arms folded, looking over at us. He notices I'm searching for him so he smiles and gives me the thumbs up. It's really cute, but more importantly it allows me to calm down a little.

I join in the warm up and get my girls ready to play against Nekoma.

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now