Chapter 11

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Ukai pov

The start of my shift at the store is slow, it's a Sunday morning so I'm not surprised. I'm pretty sure y/n is coming in today, I think she needed to go food shopping, plus I told her to come to the store so I can see if she's okay. That may have been a little far, just a text would have been alright but I wanted to see her in person just to make sure.

The door closes and I'm alone in the shop again. I put my feet on the counter and check the time. It's almost 11 and y/n still hasn't come in yet. I'm not worried because I know she's probably sleeping and has a hangover so I don't know why I keep checking the time.

Another 20 minutes passes and I lift my head from my phone when I hear the store bell ring. Y/n walks, or I should probably say trudges into the store with her eyes half closed. It makes me smile. She doesn't say anything as she comes up to the counter. I take my feet off the till as she places both hands on the bench, leaning her whole body weight on it, her eyes completely closing and head dropping to her chest. She's absolutely shattered. It makes me laugh but I still feel bad for her and what happened.

"Good morning y/n you look like you had a good sleep." I tease knowing it will piss her off slightly.

Her eyes crack open and she lifts her head to look me in the eyes. Her face is full of rage, it's too early for me to push her buttons. I don't want to make her too upset so I get up off my chair and walk over to the food warmer and grab a meat bun out. I know she loves these so hopefully it will make her feel a little better.

"Go sit on the chair behind the counter."

I want her to sit down otherwise I'm scared she's gonna pass out leaning over the counter the way she is. She does so obediently without objection, which is strange for her, she usually has a witty remark up her sleeve because I know she hates being told what to do. I like when she talks back to me sometimes, her confidence is attractive.

I walk back over to her, she's sitting on the chair with her knees tucked into her chest with her eyes closed. I tap her shoulder so she opens her eyes to look up at me as I hand her the meat bun. She smiles and leans onto my leg a little, hugging me slightly in gratitude. Wow, she's so cute, I really want to hug her properly right now. No, I can't, that's weird.

She let's go and my heart sinks a bit but I know it's for the best. She's my co-coach and a student. She wouldn't like me like that anyway, I know Daichi's got his eye on her. So do all the guys. After training all they do is talk about her and how nice she is and how good at volleyball she is. I mean, it's great to see she's popular with the team but none of them can have her. I don't want that.

"Do you have a shopping list with you? You mentioned something about having to get groceries."

She reaches into her pocket, mouth filled with meat bun, and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper with her shopping list on it. I'm surprised she didn't ask why I wanted the list but I know she's too busy stuffing her face.

"I'll just get what you need on the list and bring it to you when I'm done. If you think of anything else you need just let me know."

I walk around the store, gathering the items on the list. It's fairly boring so I chuck a few snacks in the bag that I won't make her pay for. I remember her saying she loves pringles one time so I'll get some of those too. I will make her pay for the other stuff though because we still need to make some sort of profit otherwise I'd give her the whole store for free.

I dump the groceries on the counter and scan it through, leaving the extra stuff I chucked in out so they don't get counted. Before I have to ask, she holds out her wallet for me to take, her eyes are still closed as she's finishing the meat bun. I smile and take her card paying for the food. I bag it back up and put her card back into her wallet. As I'm doing so, I see her looking through the bags and pulling out the snacks I put in.

"What's all this? I didn't have these on the list, I don't have a job I can't afford this." Her voice is a little rough especially because she's raising it at me for putting random things in her bag.

"Hey chill, I chucked that stuff in because I know you like them and the stuff you had on your list was boring. Don't worry I didn't make you pay for it, and just this once, you don't owe me for it. I know, I know, I'm a gift from heaven, sent down to do God's work, you don't have to thank me. The pure joy I get from being good and bringing others happiness is what I live for."


God will he shut up, he's not my saviour. He's more like Lucifer that occasionally does nice things for people when he's feeling generous. Although I do appreciate the snacks and he's kinda hot when he's cocky.


She stares me dead in the eyes and stuffs the snacks back in the bag. I know deep down she loves it when I'm an arrogant prick. I'm pretty sure I heard her mutter something sour under her breath but I'll choose to ignore that for my ego's sake.

"Okay I know I said no thank you's but just a small sign of appreciation for my godly work would be acceptable."

I raise my eyebrows, forcing her to thank me for being so kind to her. It's hard being this nice, but I'll only do it given the circumstances.

Her cheeks flush red, she knows, I know she's stubborn but I'm not backing down until she thanks me. I want to see her flustered.

"thanks." She mutters so quiet I can barely hear it.

"Sorry what was that? I'm kinda hard of hearing you're go-"

"I SAID THANK YOU" She shouts at me turning her head away, cheeks bright red and she's all embarrassed.

"Naww great, just what I was looking for."

She sticks her tongue out at me which makes me laugh. She's very responsible but so immature at the same time.

"You've probably got lots of sleep to catch up on so you should probably head home now. You have school and practise tomorrow."

"Yeah yeah." She rolls her eyes and picks up the grocery bags to walk to the door.

Her feet are dragging and she's slouched over so much I'm scared she's gonna fall forward.

"Message me when you get home, you look like you might die on the way home so if you make it out alive, let me know."

Y/n turns back to face me, her eyes don't look so angry anymore. They look more, sad.

"Ukai, can I ask a question?"

"Sure thing."

I would usually respond with, 'that was a question', but she looks like she has something important to say so I'll let it slide.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

The question catches me off guard and I feel my eyebrows furrow. Why am I being so nice? I don't know if I can answer that. I'll just make something up.

"Because it's my job. As your coach or co-coach, I have to be nice, that's all."

That sounded kinda harsh but it's better than what else I had in mind.

I see her expression drop even further. I think I hurt her feelings a little bit, but I can't tell her the real reason I'm being so nice otherwise she'd think I'm a literal paedophile.

"Oh okay... cool... well um, thanks for the food."

She fake smiles as she walks out the door. Fuck she's hurt.

coaching and captaining, keishin ukai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now