Chapter 4

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"Main engine starts (T-6.6 seconds)."

"CANCEL THE LAUNCH!!" I banged the doors, hoping it will open. But then it starts getting hot. I look around me, smokes are now filling the machine again. I looked at the number of monitors, and one of them is my vital signs, and my face.

"6.. 5.."

"Cancel the launch... please." I felt my body starts to get hot. I look at the device in my hand. 38.7°C. It starts to get higher. I think I'm going to die.


I look at my face in the monitor, the camera is on me. I tried to walk towards it but I stumbled and fell to the floor.


"Stop the--" I felt my heart starts to beat faster. I held on to my chest and grunt in pain. I cannot open my eyes. I can't breathe.


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