Chapter 16

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Days, weeks, months.. I don't know how many days have passed by and the machine is semi working. We turned it on the other day and finally the cables I fixed have worked. His works are all done now, the padding of the exterior of the machine are placed perfectly. The only problem is how do I know how to go back to Earth? Should I just shout, "TO EARTH!"?

Maybe months have already passed. Time here is different. It feels like it is quickly passing by everyday. I don't know. All I know is it's getting harder everyday. I already received the second injection and it took me several days to wake up. I was asleep for 3 days. When I looked at my watch, a hologram of my brain is being shown, an explanation of what was the second injection was all about.

Everyday I'm getting happier, everyday I feel like the works aren't needed anymore, and every time I wake up, I always wish I'm here. Here in this world. I am beginning to love every single detail of it. I like how the things work here, just trying to survive. Just trying to live without any means of money. No wealth to possess. Being one with the nature. 

He made me feel everything I craved on Earth. He made me see things I didn't notice. He made me realize what true happiness looks like. And I saw it all here. 

Through the window of his room, I look at him, carefully cutting planks for his new project, a new furniture. He is sweating but he is enjoying. Every day, it's getting harder. Sometimes I intentionally make mistakes in calculating my own formula, or placing the switches of the machine. Sometimes I make excuses of not wanting to work for that day and say I'm tired. I don't know why I'm doing this, all I know is that I am afraid.

Today, me and Ten are finally going to the market. I finally can ride Storm. The horse is so patient with me, just like Ten. We practiced everything, from speeding up to turning in different directions. It took days for me to be used of riding it and I got many bruises on my arms and legs. But everything was worth it.

"Here." He handed me a brown hat and a vest, "It's quite far so don't drink everything." He joked as he gave me a bottle of water.

We walked again in the forest. I don't need more guidance from him to where I should step, I familiarized everything. No. I think I know everything now.

"Are you ready?"



And our horses ran. He took the lead, me and Storm just followed him. I couldn't help but smile.

We passed many obstacles. What I mean obstacles, we passed to a desert, a lake to cross, and a hanging bridge. I don't want to tell him I'm afraid of heights, so I used all of my strength to prevent myself from shouting and fainting.

After 2 hours of travelling, we finally made it to the market. He helped me get off from Storm, and I felt my butt went numb.

"Are you okay?" He asked while chuckling, "You look like you're about to sleep."

"I never thought riding a horse would cause me paralysis of the butt." He choked in his water and laughed. I laughed also and patted Storm's forehead, "Thanks for the patience big boy."

The market here is not crowded at all. In fact, it is peaceful than I imagined. I am hearing different kinds of languages from people, bartering their goods to receive better goods. I didn't feel like I'm in the old times of Earth, this feels like we are still in the advancement of technologies because I see robots and many things that are new to my eyes. The fashion here is like the 1930s fashion on Earth. There are also cowboys and cowgirls around whom just like us, are wearing the same outfits. 

"So what do you think?" Ten asked while we walk around, "Is this the same on Earth?"

"Yeah. Much better than Earth." 

He took me to a snack stand and corndogs actually exists here, we bought 4 pieces and took a seat on one of the tables.

"I miss this." I said.

"This is my favorite snack." He replied and gave me a cent, "Try buy some beverage for us." I smiled and stood up.

I walk towards a store that sells pomegranate juice. I told I will buy two juices but then, "Is this your first time?"

"Uhh yeah?"

"Keep your money, it's free."

"For real?"

"Yeah. Hahaha." I look back at Ten and saw him smiling while raising his thumbs up.

"You didn't tell me he's a generous man?"

"It's a tradition here. New people can have free every shop."

"Really? Then let's go!" He chuckled.

We went inside a small shop that sells clocks, "I was thinking of buying one when you asked me about time." He said. I look at the unusual clocks in front of us, "Why are your clocks only runs up to 12 hours?" I asked to the locksmith sitting on the side. He stood up and walk towards me. 

"It's because of the division of night and day. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that on Ear--"

"Don't worry Mr. Fleming she's just curious."

"Fleming?" I look at the man in front of me, "You're name is Fleming?" Oh my God. Is he--

"Yes miss, Sandford Fleming at your service." I covered my mouth in shock. WOW! I didn't expect to meet this great inventor.

"Is this your shop sir?" I felt Ten's elbow gently nudging me.

"Yes. Would you like to buy some of these clocks? I made them myself." Fleming is a locksmith here, while on Earth he is a famous engineer. I look at Ten, "You said you want to buy one right?"

"Yeah, right. Uhm Mr. Fleming would you give us the best clock you can sell?" 

"But--" I look at Ten and Mr. Fleming, "I'm really curious why it's only a 12-hour clock?"

"Ember..." Ten whispered. I shivered, it's the first time he called my name, "So the time is like 30 minutes in an hour and 30 seconds in a minute?"

"This friend of yours is really interesting." Mr. Fleming chuckled, "Yes it's true. 30 seconds in a minute." So this is why the time here is so fast, "It's based on the shifting of the Sun. From rising to setting."

"Wow." I said, "How... how fast is the planet rotates around its axis?"

"2,000 miles per hour." Oh my God. "That's why it's a 12-hour clock." He continued. 

Ten bought a golden wall clock and we left the shop after. I can sense from my peripheral vision that he is looking at me. The information I heard earlier is so life changing. This planet rotates faster than Earth, but the civilization and advancement here is slower than Earth. Everything is so opposite.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I look at my watch, "What is happening?" Ten asked frantically. Other people are now turning their heads at us. He touched my forehead, "You're burning. Let's go." But before I could make another step,

My vision turned dark.

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