Chapter 23

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2 days later

"Look at this." He ran back to me and showed me a flower, "This looks good on you." He said and attached it to my left ear. I smiled and touched the flower, "A daisy." I said.

"Symbol of new beginnings." He said. I look at him, the sun is lighting his perfect face. I walked closer to him and held his face.

"I'm always thankful to you." I said and kissed him on the lips. I sensed that he was shocked by my sudden affection. I looked at him in the eye and smiled, "Let's go?" I said and left him there, still shocked by what happened. I felt warm all of a sudden. My cheeks are burning.

We're at a garden that is just miles away from home. He wanted me to show this beautiful place. Various flowers and plants are around. I can't explain how beautiful this place is. The sun is happy giving light to this beautiful world. Its heat is not painful to my skin, unlike on Earth. 

"Hahaha. Really?" He asked, "What happened after?"

"I woke up sleeping in the pool still with sunglasses on! HAHAHAHA." I clapped my hands while laughing. He laughed also, louder than mine. I told him the story of me being drunk for the first time, and he told me haven't tasted an alcohol ever.

"I can't imagine myself being drunk." He said while eating a sandwich. We're having a picnic now at the cliff, waiting for the sun to set.

"The time passes here so fast." I said when the sky starts to change colors, "On Earth, it takes forever."

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. You were so curious about the time here on Kepler. Mr. Fleming was flustered." He chuckled.

"Our time there is 24 hours, and Mr. Fleming exists also on Earth."


"Yes. He advocated dividing the world into 24 time zones."


"We're so populated on Earth Ten." I look at him and saw him looking intently at me, "You don't want to go there."

"If you're there, I will go." I became speechless, but I didn't break our stare. His expression became serious, "Do you miss Earth?"

I sighed, "Yes. I do." He look up at the sky, I looked up to. We didn't realize it's dark now. I'm still not used at how fast Kepler revolves around their sun.

"If you miss Earth, just look up." I look at him, he's still looking at the stars above us, "Billions of stars are in the galaxy, right?" He looked at me and smiled, "Billions of planets are also there. Just believe that one of them is Earth." He smiled.

"You're making me speechless." I said. He held my arms and caressed it, "I'm trying to make you happy Ember."

"Ten, thank you." 

He leaned towards me and kissed my forehead, "You're welcome."

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