Chapter 24

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I like Ten.

I admit to myself that I like him as a man. Not as a friend anymore. 

It's been days since I decided that I'll stay here in his world. And it's been days since we last saw the machine in the basement. There's no point of fixing the machine anymore. 

I stared at the mirror he bought for me yesterday at the market. A tear fell. Why am I crying in the middle of the day?

It's been days since I'm having a hard time breathing. It's been 2 days since I'm starting to get nosebleed and sudden dizziness. I wiped another blood coming out from my nose. 

"Ember?" I heard a knock on the door, "Yes?" I answered.

"I have already prepared our lunch, come out when you're done okay? Are you alright? You've been there for an hour now."

"Yes I'm okay. Wait me there."

"Okay." He said. I waited for his footsteps to fade before I hurriedly wipe my nose again. Finally it stopped bleeding now. I changed clothes and washed my face before going out.

"Let's eat?" I said as I sat down. I patted Bella on the head and smiled, "Baby girl what do you want?"

"Are you okay?" He asked. I look at him and smiled, "Why? Is there any problem?"

"Nothing." He said. He handed me a watermelon, "It's just that you look pale these days."

"It's because my lips are drying fast. Look." I showed him my dry lips and he chuckled, "Stop we're eating." I laughed.

"So you just live with no dates?"

"I guess?" We're back here again at the cliff, eating sweet potatoes and corns. 

"Calendar is a must!"

"We can't relate." I laughed at his response, "Oh I almost forgot!" He said and stood up, "Wait me here." And he ran. Bella ran also, following him back to the house. I looked at the view in front of me, I feel alone now that he's not here. I touched my chest. Fuck! It's aching again! Please not now. 

"I'm back." He sat beside me and showed me a package, "For you." 


"I couldn't forgive myself to not give you any material after you gave me these." I smiled and received it. I gently opened the package. A book.

"The Theory of Existing." I read the title. 

"I saw that at the market yesterday and thought I could give this to you." I opened the book and a drawing of two world connected to each other showed. I gasp. This picture..

"I saw this on Earth. This picture." I said. 

"Really?" This was the picture the teacher gave to me. The parallel universe. Everything is connected.

 ..Study claims that if a human being travels through space and time and landed on a parallel world, its body on the previous world died. The moment its body is gone, in that particular space and time the person has died. one will survive living on the other world, likely its body will start to react to the sudden changes on the world's rotation, temperature, smell, climate, gravity...

..if two identical human beings exists on the same world, the other one will die.

I closed the book and looked at him, "I will read this later. Thank you for this." 

"I'm glad you like it." I faked a smile as my heart starts to ache again. I hope the book is not right. It's all just theories. Nothing has been proven.

I leaned on his shoulder while the sun sets. I feel sleepy. 



"Do you trust me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious."

"You won't last here if I don't trust you." I can feel his breath on my head. I smiled.

And everything went black.

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