Chapter 27

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*bzztt* *bzt bzt*

I slowly opened my eyes. OW! My neck! I held my neck and moved it from side to side. I look around me... okay??

Where am I?

This place is...


"The Theory of Existing." This book.. 

"TEN!" I shouted and stood up but I stumbled and fell to the floor. 

"OW!!" I shouted. I heard some footsteps outside the door. Shit! Why am I so clumsy?

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?" I look up from checking my legs, "HUH?!" I shouted. WHAT IN THE WORLD--

"Oh my goodness Ember are you okay?" What the hell?

"Is this real?" I asked. They looked at me in confusion, "What real?" 

"You! Are you real?"

"Ember you're reading too much stories these days. Get up now, we're having lots of calls from customers."


They left my room. I became numb. How in the hell are they here? They're dead. I walked back towards the book. 


I remembered everything clearly.


Where am I?

I opened the book, an envelope was inserted in it. I felt nervous all of a sudden. I looked at myself, I'm wearing a casual clothes. Not the housedress from Ten's mom. And my watch..

Everything is gone.

I opened the envelope, attached to it is a letter.

A letter from Ten.

I felt my body became numb and my heart starts to beat fast. 

Dear Ember..

I look up to stop my tears from flowing. I don't want to read this. 

If you are reading this, it means you arrived safely..

"Oh God." I cried. No. No this can't be.

I'm sorry. I am ashamed of myself. Ashamed of what I am about to do to you.

After we went to the cave, you became weird. Every time you sleep Ember, you always wake up 3 days after. Always. I thought you were just exhausted, but no, your body is changing. You're slowly losing strength, and you're paler than ever.

How I wish I could turn back time. How I wish I didn't pressure you on asking for you to stay here with me. Please forgive me Ember. I was preoccupied of being happy with you that I forgot the consequences of all of it.

While you were sleeping, I've been busy fixing the machine. I lied to you Ember. I don't want to show you that I'm afraid, so I made a huge effort of spending beautiful moments with you. Every day I am afraid. I am afraid that you will not wake up anymore. I exhausted myself on studying your formula and your watch. I calculated everything for your safe return on Earth. I don't want you to stay here just because I'm here. I want you to live. 

Please don't forget me. I am Ten, from the planet Kepler. The parallel universe of Earth. You've been living for 8 months here in Baltica. We went to the market, the farm, the forest, and our favorite place... the cliff.

You made me a gift, the necklace. I will always wear it. Don't worry about me, Bella is here. Don't worry, I will never forget you. How can I? I painted you. I've been painting you while you're sleeping. The paintings are still in the storage room. Once you're in Earth, I will display it in my room, the way you like it. 

The watch will stay here, its signal will be my indication that you are finally home.

Maybe things are just too complicated for us to be together. Maybe you're just my instrument, and I am yours. Let's live together, even if we're in a different world. 

I promise to always remember us. Love again Ember, and I will do the same. Maybe I will find the parallel of you in here, and you'll find me in there.

I love you Ember. In another life, let's meet again.

-Ten (Year 2020, Kepler)

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