Chapter 5

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"Hmm. What color should I use? What'd you think girl?"

The dog barked.

"Alright. But I think we should stick to white--"


"Woah woah!!! Duck buddy come on!" They run towards a wooden table and hugged each other. "Was that a bomb?" He scanned the surroundings, all his things are now in the floor, scattered. "Come out now bud. We need to find the explosion."

"What the-" He removed a wooden plank and starts to go inside. The dog starts to bark. "You think something is in here?" The dog barks again.

He turned on the flashlight and saw a switch panel. He opened it and turned it on. Slowly, the lights filled the place. "What is this?" He whispered to himself. He held on to his hammer and slowly walks further inside. "Don't bark bud." He warned his dog.

After several walks, he found a big object covered with white cloth. He took a several look at it first before touching the cloth. "It is warm." He look behind and stared at his dog, "Can you sense what's inside?" The dog whimpered.

He pulled the cloth by stepping back. He coughed as the dusts starts to get on his face. "I think this is a bad idea." After the cloth was removed, he tapped his shirt to remove dusts and coughed again. The dog barked.

"Bud? Where are you?" He waved his hand around, trying to remove the dust particles in the air. He heard the dog starts to make sound. "What happened bud? Where are you?"

He walk towards the machine again and saw the tail of his dog. "There you are, what did you find?" The dog whimpered again and is now licking to something. No. To someone.

Inside is a girl, lying unconscious on the floor.

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