Chapter 18

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"Good morning." He greeted when I arrived at the lake, I saw him holding a fishing net, "You woke up too early today."

"My body got enough sleep last night." I said, "Did you catch any?"

"Haven't started yet." I looked at the lake, "What are you going to catch here? Swans?" He bursted out laughing because of my question.

"You're really funny Ember." He said and walk away, "Follow me if you're curious." I saw Bella beside me who is looking also at me, "What?" She barked and followed her boss.

I followed also.

"Are these mangrove trees?"


"What are you going to catch?"

"Crabs." And he starts making a trap outside the trees.

We are both in a sea. I don't know what geography we in right now but we are in a sea. We walked for like 20 minutes, we went down a hill and now we're at the beach.

"There!" I shouted when I saw a big crab walking beneath his feet. He immediately took it and placed it on a bucket.

"How in the hell did you do that?"

"Survival skills." He said while concentrating. He took another crab and placed it on the bucket. I think he doesn't need the traps anymore.

I walk towards him, "Teach me." He looked at me and smiled, "Are you sure?" I nodded. He faced me and then grabbed my wrist, "Your hands haven't been scratched for once." I took my hand away and pushed him.

"Oh my God sorry!" I said and helped him stand up. I didn't expect my push was strong. I looked at his face and saw him smiling, "That was a smart idea." He said and before I could explain my intentions, he starts splashing water to my direction.

"Really?" I asked while peeling corns for our breakfast.

"Yep." He replied while pouring oil in the pan. We are back in his house, dry and clean. We ended up taking a swim at the beach. He caught five crabs while I caught none. I really tried catching one but the crabs ran so fast and I can't chase it.

While cooking, I asked him where he got oil to cook fried meals. He told me about the fish oils and how he preserves it to use it for another raw meats. I was amazed at how he is serious of explaining everything to me. Even the tone of his voice is just so gentle. What? What are you thinking Ember?

"Are we going to continue repairing the machine?" He looked at me in the eye, "Can't you just stay?" He asked again. This is now the 3rd time he asked me this question. He keeps asking me everytime he feels lazy to do anything. The first time he asked me was when I asked for a metal and he just blurted out this question. I was really shocked by then, because the way he asked me the question, it felt so true.

"Kidding. Are you done?" He grab the plates of corn in front of me, "I'll just place this on the table."

I sighed. Of course he was kidding. Why would bother doubt on leaving Ember? But why am I expecting for him to not make it as a joke?

I stood up and follow him towards the picnic table.

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