Chapter 6

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"Mom I won the national quizbee contest!"

"Woooow! I'm so proud of you baby girl!" Her mom hugged her.

"She got that brain from me."

"Daddy!!" Her dad opened his arms wide and embraced his daughter, "Tell me anything you like I'll give it to you."

"Ji Hoon stop spoiling our child." She heard her mom.

"Don't listen to your mom." Her dad said. Both of them giggled.

I took a huge breath and shivered. I felt a blanket around my body and I held on to it. I tried to open my eyes but I have no strength to open it.

"Bud go get more blankets." Who was that? I felt a cold towel placed on my forehead. I shivered. I tried to open my mouth but I can't. I feel like I am paralyzed.

"Your temperature is so high." I gathered all my strength and slowly opened my eyes. My eyes burned from the lights around me. I heard him stood up and heard a blow. I opened my eyes again and saw that the room now is dim. I feel like I haven't opened my eyes for a long time. I look at my side and saw a person sitting next to me, but I can only see his back. I felt a tear fell and I shivered. I closed my eyes again. After a while, I felt that the cloth on my forehead was replaced with a new one.

I fainted.

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