Chapter 26

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The moment I woke up, I didn't feel any soft sheets around me. I only feel wind, a sweater, and an arm embracing me. I realized, we are at the cliff again. Was everything just a dream?

"You're awake?"

"Hmm." I straightened myself from leaning on him, the book is still in my hands. It was all just a dream. I looked at him and saw him staring in front of us, "Did I sleep long?"

"Just an hour." I nodded. Why do I feel like his mood suddenly shifted, "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Me? Yep. How about you? Are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine." I lied. Maybe he was annoyed because I slept on him. Ugh why did I do that?

"Let's go back now?" He helped me stood up but I suddenly staggered. Wth. Why am I having a hard time standing up??? My legs are numb!!

"Just... just stay there." And he lift me up in a bridal style. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead, "You're so small." I smiled and leaned on his chest.

We went back to the house and ate dinner. His mood is back again, always talking and telling me stories I've never heard before. He even told me the story of Radius, Storm, Bella... I don't remember how many stories he told me but we talked until his mouth became dry and the night air became colder.

We headed to bed after. This time, Ten voluntarily lie down next to me. I was about to face to the other side when he pulled me closer to his body, "Better?" He said. I slowly hug him, it's like I'm hugging a huge stuffed toy.

"Better." We stayed silent for a while. He smells good. I don't know if he applies perfume to his body but he really smells good.. He starts to stroke my hair and a low steady melody came out from his mouth. He's humming.

"You can be a singer." I joked after he stops humming. I heard him chuckled, "Believe me, I could dance to."

"Really? Show me your moves tomorrow." I said, feeling a bit sleepy.

"Okay. Tomorrow." He whispered and kissed my forehead, "Let's sleep?"

"Hmm." I said. I'm really sleepy now. I am easily tired these days. Sometimes I feel like my body wants to sleep forever.

"Goodnight Ember."

"Goodnight Ten." I hugged him tight and I felt his mouth rests on my head. Before I became unconscious,

"I love you." 

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