Chapter 9

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"So are you saying.. I exploded?" 

"Not totally that way. I don't really know what happened to you. You just suddenly appeared there." I look back and saw what looked like a tunnel, "That's an abandoned basement." He continued. I look at him and sighed. "I don't know what happened to me also."

"Try to remember everything that happened before you went kaboom here." I closed my eyes and massaged my temples, "I discovered an underground laboratory made by my parents, and there's what they called a Dime Machine--"

"The machine! Let's go take a look at it." He stood up and walk towards the tunnel. I saw his dog followed him and I decided to follow too.

"This machine brought you here." He said while examining the interior of it, "Interesting." 

"Maybe this will turn me back too." 

"To where?" I look at him. "Where do you live?"

"South Korea."

"South what?" He slowly walk towards me and frowned, "Say that again."

"South Korea? In the city of Seoul."

"Are you joking?"

"No." He smirked and starts to walk away. "I think you're just trespassing my place. You can go home now. I won't report you." 

"Wait! Why are you acting that way." I heard him sigh and then he look back at me, "I said I'm from South Korea. What's wrong with that?"

"Is that a place?"

"It's a country you idiot. You're acting weird." 

"Me?? Acting weird??" He laughed in sarcasm and crossed his arms, "Miss. You are the weird one here. First, you are trespassing my house. My place. Second, you exploded out of nowhere, I thought I was about to die earlier. And lastly, there's no country named South Korea or whatever."


"Get out now and leave this place." He starts to walk away again. I ran towards him and blocked his way.

"Tell me." I said.

"Tell you what?"

"Where are we right now? I mean what country is this place?"

"Baltica." I step back and frowned, "That's an old name." I whispered. No. No. I think I'm just dreaming. I look at him again, he's now confused also.

"What is the name of this planet?" He laughed but when he saw my serious face, he stopped.

"You're serious?" He asked. I nodded.


I fainted.

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