Good Omens

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Name: Mary Endolyne Peters

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Tier: Gold

Hair Color/Length: Brown with natural grey streaks. It's a medical condition. Down to her elbows.

Eye Color: Right side is light brown. Left is grey and foggy because she is blind in that eye.

Height: 4'5"

Species: Human

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Hair is straight and thick, but falls out a lot. She has a small scar in her left ear that looks like a jagged scratch, but her right side is perfectly fine. She has two scratch marks on the left side of her face, over her eye. She has very pale skin, faint freckles across her nose, and her hands are almost always dry.

Personality: Mary is very weird compared to kids her age. You know when you watch a scary movie that focuses on a child and they're just... off? That's how she feels at first, but then you see that she's actually just shy and misunderstood. She's a good kid who gets good grades and loves her family, but she doesn't do well with social interactions that include other people her age. Mary has a bunch of imaginary friends who she likes to play with instead.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): Em, that kid (Crowley), child of God (Aziraphale)

Talents: She is still very young, so she doesn't exactly have a set of skills that she's really good at. The thing she likes to do the most is play with her imaginary friends and brother, which makes her decent at making up stories on the spot. She is an innocent child who's only seen a bit of wickedness in her life (while also being half blind) so she actually has a strong set of beliefs. She loves music and sings along to a lot of songs, which enhances her memory.

Her Fave Color: Silver and gold

Her Song:

Powers: She can see demons and angels, but doesn't know what they are until she's around six years old.

Weapons/Items: She carries around an old teddy bear that used to be bright cyan, but is now so dirty it looks to be sea green.

Super Smash Brothers Fighter?: Pfft.

Outfit: I'll make a collage for it later, but for now I shall describe it. She wears a long, magenta shirt with white stripes on the sleeves, a golden carriage necklace, grey sweat shorts or pants depending on the season, and a deep purple bow in the back of her hair. She sometimes wears shoes unless she's playing in the grass. She will also wear dresses a lot, which range from light pink to dark blue. When she wears dresses, she also has on white rain boots.

A Bit of Backstory: Mary lives with her mother, father, and older brother in the city right next to the town the devil's son lives in. She likes to go to the town to play with her brother or with her imaginary friends since there isn't much room to play in the city. When she was five, Mary was at the zoo with her family and she accidentally fell into the African Safari Hunt. It was a complete accident because she was riding the train, which was touring around the land where the safari was taking place. She got a bit too excited and fell off the side of it, landing where the animals were. Thankfully most of the animals were vegetarian, but the ones that weren't quickly found her. There were three wolves, one of which attacked her and scratched up half of her face. Before the rescue team could get there to help, a lion somehow got into the den and threw the wolf off. The mammal protected her until the humans came to take her back safely. The result of that experience was a scar on her ear and her left eye unable to heal, making her half blind. In order to make sense of what happened, Mary always believed the lion who saved her was sent by God or an angel. The former was actually correct. Since she was so young and innocent, she was somehow able to use that event to actually spot angels and demons to help prove her brain right. Now onto the show! Episode two rolls around and a side plot of it is Crowley being followed around by Mary. She spots him, and is finally wrangling her courage up to follow a demon. He doesn't know she is following him for a while, but then later catches on and surprises her. He tries wiping her memory with his powers, but it doesn't work. (She is protected by God!) Crowley... maybe then kidnaps her and takes her to his angel friend to find out what the heck is going on. He's never met anyone besides those Satan nuns who could tell he was a demon! Plus, Mary is a CHILD! What is happening?! Aziraphale isn't able to help out that much because frankly, he doesn't have an answer. "Why am I to question the Lord's ways? I-I suggest putting her back where you got her from, Crowley." They put her back but she is very stubborn and follows them everywhere. Eventually they find out why she's half blind and everything starts to make sense... only for a moment. Demons come to take her away because they believe she's the reason Crowley is going soft. (Even though he's been going soft for literally all of eternity.) Crowley protects her while Aziraphale distracts them and by a miracle they escape. By then, the apocalypse is about to start and everything goes into chaos. Honestly, just think of Mary as a very big and interesting side plot!

Nemesis: The Devil's son, Adam. She thinks he's a jerk and doesn't like to hang around him.

Love Interest: Heeeeeck no. Please Lord no lol!

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