Star Wars: The Mandalorian

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Let's try not to make her a Mary Sue like some Rey-ndom I mean random people. I'm not saying any Reys I MEAN names.


Name: Jasmyne Ethera Gean (pronounced Jasmine Jean)

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Tier: Platinum

Hair Color/Length: Down to the bottom of her waist, vibrant cherry red 

Eye Color: Green apple

Height: 5'7"

Species: Human

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Pale skin, thin but that's just the way she's built (not like she is starving or anything), four star tattoo on the left side of her stomach, hair is normally up in a hybrid bun-ponytail or down

Personality: Doesn't really care about anything when she first meets Din. She is a huge jokester and covers her anxiety with laughs unless something really serious is happening. (I'm not sad about episode seven... I'm not!) She believes that Mando needs to stop being so "angsty" all the time or it will rub off on Baby Yoda. She is honest in her thieving craft and does not take anything more than she needs to survive... uuuntil she is told to steal something from an imperial ship which gets her captured.

Flaws: She is very unknowing of when something is dangerous. This makes her very aloof and naïve during battle because of how unimportant she thinks she is. Jasmyne doesn't believe in picking a side, even the way of the Mandalorians, and fully believes the person themself is evil or good. This is a very bad thing for her because she can't see herself the way the empire would see her. Okay, I just have to give an example to help visualize this. Jasmyne thinks she is very generic and not a threat at all to the empire on an individual scale, but when she joins forces with Mando, Gideon views her as a threat. However, she is not able to see that because she still thinks she is generic. This makes her oversimplify situations and when she encounters bad guys/storm troopers, Jasmyne is very reckless and air headed about everything, not really being careful at all. She overall gets hurt a lot and can't overpower nearly any of her opponents.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): Jas, Minny, Cherry

Talents: She has a variety of small skills that she learned from her father because he was a craftsmen, and had to use tools to build things. She is able to use a plethora of knickknacks to her advantage and discover what things are valuable through experience of trading. She has her father's notebook with her, allowing her to remember what different tools are used for, and she also adds onto it when she becomes a thief because she uses the tools in different ways. At first, she is terrible at what she does but she learns over time to apply her knowledge of tools and sneaking around to her advantage. Her charismatic nature of jokes and laughter makes her a decent bargainer, too.

Her Fave Color: SILVERRRR

Her Song: TBA!

Powers: Heheheh so, this is the part where I say "the Force" right? Well, WRONG! Minny does not possess such power because I want her to be a normal, relatable person. She is supposed to express the people who do not see themselves as "special" or "chosen" and struggle with identity in that way.

Weapons/Items: Anything she can get her hands on, really. She has a notebook from her father as I previously mentioned and a bracelet from her brother. She has nothing from her mother except for her looks and wit (so she's told). She carries around a small backpack with her at all times which house her usual tools and stolen objects she has.

Super Smash Brothers Fighter?: Nope!

Outfit: To be shown

A Bit of Backstory: EEP! Her backstory is going to be lit. So, her family was living a happy and noble life on the planet Kirstist, which was invaded by droids when she was 11. Her mother was killed along with her father when running to safety. Jasmyne took her younger brother (who was 5) and found a small supply bunker where they waited. Eventually, they were found and her brother was killed as she was hit in the arm. She fell as well, shaking but also pretending to be dead. The droid mistook the dead body of a rat for her own life force and concluded she was dead as well. Unlike Din, Mandalorians did not come to save her. She was alone with a select few survivors, who gathered and boarded a ship to the nearest crowded planet. Once she got there, she decided to go on her own because she knew it was dangerous to travel with them, as the entire species was ordered to die for a suspicious unknown reason. She takes up thieving and learns to secretly hitch hike rides to and from trade planets. Many years later... Jasmyne is in the time of the Mandalorian show but she does not appear until episode 6 "The Prisoner". Yes, I know there's only 8 episodes but it is very important that she isn't pressured to be in the story too much! Anyway, she is trapped on the imperial ship for stealing something very important. To her it just looks like a metal rod, but she saw a bunch of droids guarding it so she thought why not steal it. She ends up being successful in stealing it, but is also captured and put in a cell. When the Mandalorian VERY RELUCTANTLY comes to free Xi'an's brother Qin, he ends up freeing her in the middle of the episode because he wants to know why she hates Mandalorians so much. "They didn't come to rescue me, but they sure as hell came to rescue you now, didn't they?" She ends up learning throughout the episode that she can learn to like this Mandalorian, mainly because he isn't part of the guild anymore and that he actually has a sense of humor. The two leave the criminals behind and escape the imperial fleet by tricking them. Episode 7 happens and she is there for all of it, explaining her own backstory through hints and small details by the way she interacts with her bracelet and notebook. She becomes attached to Kuiil very quickly because she says he is exactly like her father was, a caring innovator and inventor, a lovable craftsman. She cares for Baby Yoda because she does not think Mando has the strength to do it. "It needs a motherly touch, now hush! It clearly needs to sleep." Episode 8 she is very jokey until the ends when... spoilers. She watches as Mando takes down Moff Gideon's ship, thinking that she may want to stay and help him for a little while. Of course, she wishes to protect Baby Yoda and Mando for saving her from the prison - she feels she owes him. At the end of the episode, Mando relaxes behind the controls of his ship with Baby Yoda as they sail off into the stars. There is a quiet moment and then Jasmyne suddenly drops upside down from the railing above Yoda by her legs, her red hair falling into his seat. "Hey now don't leave me hangin'!" The Mandalorian's eyes widen and he almost loses control of his ship when he sees her, "How did you get into my ship!?" What happens next comes into the next season!

Oh and before I forget, remember that metal rod she stole from the imperial ship which got her captured? It's a lightsaber, but she doesn't know that, and she just keeps it in her backpack after episode 6 concludes. Thought that would be a very cool twist! Also also, she has no idea how to use a lightsaber, so even if she did somehow open it, she would be very bad at using it.

Nemesis: Moff Gideon mainly because he ordered the extinction of her race. There was a huge presence of the Force because of the type of species her race was, so it was ordered to be eradicated. She is one of the few who wasn't connected with the power which is half the reason why that droid didn't kill her.

Love Interest: None! If anyone at all was going to be her love interest, it would be Mando, but it would never work. She is too hurt by the Mandalorians for their absence as her planet was being attacked, and can never look past that to live happily with him.

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