Dark Pictures Anthology

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Don't ever work at a place that sells games primarily! You'll get sucked into a whirlpool of fandoms and not know what to do with your life! Your soul will be tied to every OC you make, you will find characters you love, but more importantly FIND CHARACTERS YOU ABSOLUTELY HATE! Like in this freaking anthology! I need help lol!



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Name: Danielle Jackie Blu

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Name: Danielle Jackie Blu

Age: 27 (main age, may vary)

Gender: Female

Tier: Platinum

Hair Color/Length: Brown, long, curly, just touches the top of her waist

Eye Color: Brown with sprinkles of red

Height: 5'9"

Species: Human

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Eyes are wild because of her high blood pressure, strong and slightly muscled, skin is more tan than pale, looks very young and pretty at first but then appearance turns worn and tired

Personality: Out going is a good way of putting it. (I like to take risks, but I also know my limits.) Yeah, I agree with ya on that one Dana. She seems like an extrovert to most people because of her personality. She's flirty, witty, and keeps to her morals. Since she keeps secrets and it's slowly killing her in the inside, over time she becomes more isolated from other people and on edge. Later on she's always looking over her back and becomes paranoid that she's doing the wrong things.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): Danny, Dana (preferred), Ellie, Ella

Talents: Very wise and good at making decisions. She always thinks ahead of the curb, thinking about others and taking into sight of how they will react to certain things. Even though she likes to take risks and try new things, she quickly learns that she has to look out for others and keep them alive. She is also very good at reasoning. The only thing that keeps her sane near the end is her ability to rationalize everything that's going on, and to understand that everything will be fine. She loves math and equations and can apply her skills to different situations. She's really good at using the resources around her to get her out of trouble. Despite all her talents, she's very stubborn and refuses to believe when someone dies. Depending on who is killed, she might actually break and go insane. It's not the fact that she herself can keep on dying, but the fact that her loved ones can also keep on dying in different ways that makes her break.

Man of Medan Possible Deaths and Endings: Before they board the Medan, she can die on the Duke of Milan. Olsen can stab her or shoot her in the chest based on if you take his gun (you take it and he stabs her, you don't and he shoots her) and he only kills her if Fliss calls for help. On the Medan, she can easily die of fear if she's left alone. She can drown if she ends up with Fliss or Brad. She can get choked or stabbed in the head based on what you chose for how to confront her when Conrad is hallucinating. She can stab herself kind of like how Alex does if you chose to attack the rat in his shirt. Conrad can also trip her up while running away and she lands on a rusted spike that impales her. The person that can kill her the most is Conrad. The person she can kill the most are Julia and Alex. She has a chance to kill all five main characters plus Junior and Olsen. Note: Danielle is the character than can die in the most ways next to Conrad.

Her Fave Color: Yellow and blue because of Conrad

Her Song: Save Me by Queen

Powers: Using her knack for reasoning, she is able to make sense of the premonitions and visions that she sees unlike all the other characters of the game. She can interpret what is reality and what is just a game/story that you the player are deciding to tell. She is a great persuader so much so that it's almost like a super power. Other than that she's just a normal person.

Weapons/Items: Varies from game to game, but she mainly uses a hand held revolver that can hold six bullets at a time

Super Smash Brothers Fighter?: If anyone from this anthology series is coming to Smash Bros, I will personally hack the system to make it so they can not join. Heck no, she isn't a fighter.

Outfit: Both Little Hope and Man of Medan are up at the top!

A Bit of Backstory: Consider yourselves lucky. You have a life in which you can choose what you want and how you want it to turn out. I don't get a choice. I'm forced into these stories against my will, and although I do have choices in stories, it's not exactly freedom. Hi, I'm Dana and I'm bound to the chains of the Dark Pictures Anthology. I first remember appearing in the game Man of Medan. There, I was kind of a tomboy and a risk taker. Once we got overtaken by the pirates and boarded the Ourang Medan ship, things got weird. I found out just before the group rendezvoused that everything was a hallucination. All the monsters and crap. The monsters for me were based on my "backstory". Apparently I ran away from home when I was little, so the monsters that appear are my parents and little sister that I ran away from. Anyway, the end of the game happens and something seems odd. Like I'm not apart of the universe. I envy Conrad, Julia, Alex, Brad, and Fliss. They don't understand that their world is just a game. Because, when the game ended for me, the dreaded Curator pulled me out of the story and forced me into the next one. I'm tied to all the stories because of the Curator. I can't get attached to anyone because I don't know if they're gonna die permanently, or if it's just a bad decision made by someone. Even if they live, I'm forced out of that story at some point and shoved into the next. And that's basically my life.

Nemesis: The Curator. He's the author of all these stories and enjoys toying with Danielle, taking her away from one story and putting her into the horrors of the next one he writes.

Love Interest: In Man of Medan, Danielle isn't aware of her being in a game. She falls in love with Conrad, but she can't have a life with him because the Curator ends the story and puts her in the next one called Little Hope. She thinks she can start again on love, but then later learns that it would never work out for her because of the nature of her position. If she wants friends, NOPE! Say goodbye to those friends after the story and say hello to new strangers as she's placed into the next book!

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