Marvel's Spider-Man

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Is this the most cliché OC I have ever made? Yes. Am I going to make this OC so amazing that it doesn't matter how cliché it is? Also, yes.

MCU Actress is Jade Weber:

MCU Actress is Jade Weber:

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Name: Jillian Petrie Parker

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Name: Jillian Petrie Parker

Age: High school she is 14 as a Sophomore. Do math from there. She is one year younger than Peter, but still in the same class year.

Gender: Female

Tier: Platinum

Hair Color/Length: Stringy, messy, just past the shoulders (around ten inches from the top of my head), mid brown and gets a bit lighter in the summer

Eye Color: It's really blue-brown-green hazel, so the dominant color ranges depending on what she's wearing. In her spider suit, her eyes are blue.

Height: 5'9"

Species: Human

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Skin is a bit more tan in the summer and spring times, pale skin, muscular, hair is usually in a ponytail especially when she is wearing her hero outfit.

Personality: If she had to choose between being a follower and a leader, she'd definitely choose follower with Peter as her leader. She looks up to her big brother a lot and is kind of lost when she gets separated from him. She is able to think about what he would do in situations though, so she is able to be resourceful and can get herself out of danger (most of the time. Once I was caught by the Sinister Six and it did not go well). She isn't completely helpless on her own. She is very kind and protective of other people including her brother. When she's not wearing the mask, she stands up to Flash at school a lot because Peter gets bullied by him. (Well, I get bullied by him too, but I can take it better than Pete can.) She loves her friends like family especially in the Ultimate Spiderlings show.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): Jill, Web-Head (thank Sam a.k.a. Nova for that one)

Hero Name: Spider-Woman

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