Marvel X-Men

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I love cliche OCs. At first I hated them, but so many people make them that I thought why not? This one is cliche, but on another (hopefully) better level.


Name: Lillian (Lily) Kylie Jasper

Age: 15 whenever she first appears in comics/shows

Gender: Female

Tier: Platinum

Hair Color/Length: Brown, curly and just to her shoulders

Eye Color: Light brown with purple specks

Height: 5'3"

Species: Mutant

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Pale skin, slash scars on her back, a bunch of freckles on her face and shoulders

Personality: Very secretive but hides it very well. No one knows she's a mutant at first glance, so when the X-Men or Anvengers catch her they are very confused. Lily is also very... extremely happy. If any of you know my OC Jenna, she's like that but over the top happy. She mostly fakes her happiness because she is a teenager and wants to make sure all the adults in her life believe she's okay, which is why it's very dramatic. She often changes the subject and likes to talk about nonsense.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): Lily (preferred), Lil Apple

Hero Name: Macabre

Talents: She. Loves. Video games. Anything from retro to the newest Call of Duty, she is amazing at. Because of this she has very good hand-eye coordination, but her balance on her feet sucks. She only learned up to eighth grade math, but she is able to teach herself through numbers pretty well. She claims to be an excellent writer and a better scientist than Tony Stark, but she has no talent in them whatsoever (Basically she claims to be a Mary Sue, but she really isn't). Along with that, she has also claimed to have learned the basics to every single instrument (even those she has never heard of). People believe her at first because of her amazing acting skills. She is able to slip away whenever someone turns their head like a ninja. To break it all down, here are her four core talents: video games (hand-eye coordination), math, acting, and running away.

Flaws: As said before, she thinks she is amazing at everything. Art? She is da Vinci. Writing? She embraces her Stephen King side. Science? Well, she thinks she's Tony Stark. Music? She is Mozart on everything she touches. She also claims to have won various trophies in different sports at her schools, even though she was kicked out of her high school freshman year. Physically she is very thin and weak, her legs wobbly and therefore not good at balancing her upper body. She pretends to be this perfect person because of how little she thinks about herself. She is consumed by all this fear because of her powers, so she pretends to be cool and skilled to mask that.

Her Fave Color: Lavender

Her Song: Billie Eilish - Everything I wanted

Powers: My favorite part. She can make nightmares a reality. When she is just starting out before she meets Professor X, she can only materialize her own nightmares AND no one else can see them. This makes her and everyone think she has a mental disorder. However, after Professor X finds her and helps her, she can make it so other people are able to see the creatures of her nightmares. Even later on when she furthers her powers even more, she can materialize other people's nightmares. SHE CAN NOT LOOK INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S MINDS TO FIND THEM, THOUGH. She has to learn other's fears through acting and talking to them OR she can see them in her mind when they are sleeping and having the nightmare themselves. When she falls asleep, her powers stop. There are only a very select few instances where her powers continue to work after she goes to sleep. Note: others do not have to see the creatures in order for them to effect the real world. I'll... explain later in the backstory.

Weapons/Items: She has a stick that she claims she can turn into a sword if she wants, but no one can see it at first so they just laugh at her. However, when she is able to enhance her powers people see that the stick transforms and she can use it as a weapon.

Super Smash Brothers Fighter?: Nopity nopity nooo!


A Bit of Backstory: Finally the time to explain this character

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A Bit of Backstory: Finally the time to explain this character. I'll cut straight to the chase, she discovered her powers when she was six years old. I know most mutants find their powers when they're teens, but she is an exception of that. Plus, there are plenty of mutants who find their powers as kids so it's not thaaat uncommon. Anyway, her parents sent her away to a school for special kids since they thought the monsters were being made up in her head. She learned on her own that she can materialize weapons out of scraps to fight the monsters off, which is the sole reason why she hasn't gone completely insane by the time she's a teenager. Freshman year of high school, she accidentally attacks a student because she saw a monster behind him. The attack was so severe that she was kicked out and sent to a kid psychiatric containment area. She only lasted a month there before breaking out. Short afterward, she runs into Magneto and his crew. At this point, Magneto has already convinced Pyro to join his cause and the two decide they can use Lily to their advantage. See, they theink that her mutant power is persuasion because of how good of an actress she is, so they use her as a distraction and to "persuade" security to leave their posts while they cause mayhem. They never find out her real powers, at least not at this point. Six months later, she ditches them because she realizes they are doing bad things to non mutants and therefore runs away. Lily is on her own until she turns 15 where she is encountered by the X-Men. The reason they are after her is because Professor X sensed a disturbance of mind powers in the area and wanted the X-Men to check it out. They take Lily back to the school where she is asked what her powers are. At first she refuses to say, but then Professor X appeals to her by telling her how his powers haunted him before he learned to control them. She explains her powers and no one believes her, especially Wolverine. Professor X asks for permission to enter her mind, and she agrees after being hesitant. He sees all of the things she has done in the past and when he stops reading her mind, he nearly goes insane. He instantly believes her, but everyone is still skeptical. Then, Jean reads her mind and has the same reaction as Professor X. Everyone now sort of believes her instead of Wolverine, but that quickly changes when Professor X helps Lily enhance her powers to allow others to see the monsters. Okay, here's where things gets weird. Remember when I said monsters can effect the real world even when others can't see them? It depends on how deadly and big the monster is. The first one she conjures that others can see is huge, and terrorizes the school. It takes all of the X-Men to take it down. Lily then talks about her time with Magneto and Pyro, so Professor X goes to look for the metal manipulating man, although they are still on bad terms. Professor X finds Magneto and explains Lily's condition, making Magneto really surprised at first upon hearing about her real ability. Okay, last thing. Magneto agrees to come to the manor just for Lily, and together him and Professor X help her learn of her ability to make other's nightmares real. I explained her powers above and how they work, so I'm not going to repeat it. There you have it, Lillian Jasper a.k.a. Macabre!

Nemesis: I had a bit of trouble with this one because I was not sure who she would have the ms t connections to for a villain. Then I remembered Mr. Sinister. She hates people who obsess over her powers and try to replicate them, so Mr. Sinister is high on her most hated list.

Love Interest: Im kind of unsure about this, so I'll leave it blank until I finish the outfit and then I shall confirm it.

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