Invincible 2

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Now it's time to make my own member of the Guardians of the Globe. SPOILERS FOR END OF EPISODE ONE. SERIOUSLY!!!


Name: June (because she was found as a kid by Cecil in June)

Age: Unknown, guessed by Cecil at around 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Tier: Platinum (as far as the show goes. I have never read the comics!)

Hair Color/Length: Down to her mid-thigh and light brown (usually in a high ponytail) normally; when she's in costume it changes to dark purple (usually in a high ponytail)

Eye Color: Yellow

Height: 5'11"

Species: Unknown

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Golden tan skin tone, hair is straight (with one big swoosh curl at the end) and shiny with blonde highlights while it's brown, is usually depicted wearing her costume with headphones on, chilling (sometimes even when she fights)

Personality: June is very peaceful and quiet in her mind, allowing her to fight without distractions or letting taunts get in her way. Although she can express emotions like heavy sadness and fear, she never lets it get in her way while dealing with an enemy. She doesn't really talk in group battles as well, only offering input and helpful hints whenever necessary. She is very cute and strong, making some villains reluctant to fight her at first. Lastly, she is always alert (almost to the point where she can get a bit paranoid) and very caring toward other people.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): July (only Red Rush calls her this as a joke), Crater (because her powers can make a... I'm done)

Hero Name: Pressure Point

Talents: Her fighting style is less boxing and more martial arts, which she takes and puts her own spin on things by adding in dance. This is how she moves around the battlefield and dodges. Because she learned this way, she can view the battlefield as a music sheet and find places that are safe to dodge to, thinking of them as beats to a song. She's also pretty smart, but leaves the tech up to Darkwing, and can figure out a villain's plan just by taking a moment to think logically about it.

Her Fave Color: Green, because of her first crush being the OG Green Ghost!

Her Song: TBA

Powers: She can make gravity stronger and weaker at some points, rendering the enemy feel like they're heavier or lighter and they have to compensate in the new environment. She can only do this in certain areas, however, the areas where her hands are reaching and where her mind is focusing. Immortal is still the strongest Guardian!

Weapons/Items: She has really heavy gloves that she makes lighter so she can deliver a very heavy punch. Other than that, she focuses on her powers rather than actual fighting and lets the other Guardians worry about that part.

Super Smash Brothers Fighter?: No

Outfit: (will make laterrrrrrr)

A Bit of Backstory: She is not from Earth, at least... she doesn't think so. The memory of her past is foggy, but all she can remember is walking around New York as a child and witnessing a super hero fight against some villains. She was unable to evacuate in time, and was almost killed if everything didn't suddenly stop. "I remember... running until I hit a wall. And when I looked behind me I saw the evil, super-powered people standing before me. They were advancing to hold me as leverage so they could get away, but suddenly... they stopped. And they collapsed." That day her powers awoke inside of her. The government was quick to hide her from any villains and she befriended other strong being like herself. She trained and was allowed a life outside super heroing, but she always turned back to it. Eventually, her best friend known to the public as Green Ghost asked if she wanted to join the team they were forming, The Guardians of the Globe. She accepted as long as she got to work with him. Years passed, and Green Ghost fell in action, Pressure Point unable to save him. She was forever torn from that experience and never fully recovered, and still has a slight anger for the new Green Ghost. After his death, she decided it was time to find out where she came from instead of dwelling on the present conditions. Martian Man helped her through this and gave her resources to help pinpoint where she might have come from. This leads to something more, as him and her feel like outcasts to the rest of the world. But, she never understands or figures out where she comes from. At the end of episode one, she is the third one killed at the hands of Omni Man, Martian having to witness her death first, but at least she gave him a loving smile right beforehand and mouthed "I love you" before her eyes closed. (SORRY TO MAKE YOU SAD, BUT SHE HAS A SAD HISTORY!)

Nemesis: She doesn't have one single nemesis. She's part of the Guardians of the Globe, so of course all the villains hate her!

Love Interest: Martian Man, although her first love was the OG Green Ghost, she was never able to tell him how she felt before he died.

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