Finding Motivation When You're Mentally Drained

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Despite finding motivation when you're mentally drained is very important and vital to your mental health, it is a hard task that most could not accomplish. So, I'm here to give you some pointers!

1. Set Up Small Goals & Rewards

I recommend starting with easy to accomplish tasks such as making your bed, washing the dishes, throwing the garbage out etc. Make sure to reward yourself after every single small task accomplished! I personally like to keep myself a candy stash for this reason, I usually sort the different types of candy from favorite to most favorite and then eat according to how hard the task is. You will soon get back to your pace as you gradually increase the difficulty of the task.

2. Meditate

If setting up small goals and rewards doesn't work for you, try meditating! Here's some good reasons on why you should meditate:

If setting up small goals and rewards doesn't work for you, try meditating! Here's some good reasons on why you should meditate:

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

3. Exercise

Exercise helps boost your mood, decrease stress, reduce cancer risk, manage chronic pain, oxygenate your body, strengthen bones, lower blood pressure, get better sleep, and so much more! I would suggest reading our other book's chapter about exercise and staying active! It's super helpful. Here's the link:

That's all for now! If you would like to contact me, please DM me at Tsukirainblossom.

Xoxo, Yumi 💗

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