How do you get over losing your best friend?

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A: Here are five things that you can do to help you getting over losing your best friend:

1. Accepting the Outcome 

It's okay to cry over the loss of your best friend. Because if you're only just going to make the process even harder if you keep on denying your feelings.

Give yourself permission to acknowledge the disappointment and hurt that you're feeling right now. 

And if you feel angry, try to find other ways to release that anger that is building up on the inside of you.

2. Get Support 

You won't be able to make it through this situation on your own. You will need to lean on other people who care about you and understand the impact of the loss for support. 

Talk to your parents, siblings or even another friend that is not connected to your bestie. Try to open up about how you're feeling and ask them for their support. 

3. Take the High Road

If you continue to see your old pal regularly, try to be civil with them. Be the bigger person whenever the two of you make contact. Remind yourself that you once cared for this person and probably still do.

Having an ugly confrontation with your ex-best friend won't help you get over things. Remain calm. And even if your old pal tries to pull you into any drama, say, "I don't want to fight with you", and walk away.

4. Staying Busy

Whether you know it or not, an ex-best friend can leave a giant hole in your heart and also in your everyday life. Find a new hobby that you have always wanted to try and go do them. 

It could be painting, writing, dancing, baking or even volunteering. Whatever you choose to do is totally up to you. 

You can also create a self-care routine. You can do things like aromatherapy, give yourself a massage or manicure, start a gratitude journal, take a bath or listen to an audio book. 

5. Making New Friends

You must understand that it takes time for you to put yourself out there and look for some new friends. Don't rush the process or even attempt to replace your former bestie by rushing off in one week and selecting a new friend.

And when you feel ready again, try joining clubs or organizations at your school. Choose any place in your community where other people your age like to hang up.

Also, be selective when it comes to thinking about what kind of people that you want to be around. Choose people who are positive influences and share similar values.

Make a list of positive traits that you want in a friend. Don't be rigid to this list, but use it to determine if potential new friends fit the bill.

And after choosing your positive friends, you want to consider being the better friend to someone else. To do that, you'll need to reflect on some of the ways that you could have been a better to your ex-best friend. 

Then, you have to try to develop some good habits this around with your friend. Good friends are excellent listeners, able to let their friends be themselves and are there for whenever their friend needs them. 

I encourage you to find different ways where you can start being a better friend. I really hope that this was helpful for you or anyone else that you know is going through the same situation.

Have a blessed day! 

~ Autris 

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