What about Vaping?

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Something that's recently been very trendy especially among teenagers and young adults is vaping. You might've seen people inhaling in what first appears to be a USB chip or just some regular-looking pen on the streets, in a park or even near your school. But how did vaping suddenly became popular and why do people seem to like it better than the traditional cigarette? More importantly, are there any risks in vaping?

Originally, this product was designed to help cigarette smokers give up the nasty habit of inhaling the many deadly toxins inside cigarettes. These specific people would then transition from an e-cigarette to completely losing their vice.

What makes that transition go so smoothly is a chemical contained in the "vape juice" called nicotine, which is what make smokers become addicted. This substance can disrupt a youth's lung and brain development. In fact,  did you know that in just one JUUL cartridge (a device that looks like a previously-mentioned USB chip), there is as much nicotine than in a whole pack of cigarettes?

In addition to nicotine, e-cigarettes also contain aerosol, which produces the vapor one inhales and exhales. It is usually used in fog machines to create the mist. Studies have also shown that tiny particles like lead add up to the list of ingredients and they are most likely to get stuck in the lungs, causing respiratory diseases and (on extreme cases) cancer. There are already many news reports on the deaths of young adults and teenagers related to vaping.

Now, I have noticed that the marketing efforts around e-cigarettes have not only increased, but seem to be directed to a younger clientele, inciting teens into buying more of their products. Adolescents like vaping because it seems less harmless than a cigarette and because it's less stinky, tastes better, looks cooler, plus, anyone can get a vape pen nowadays.

Now, with all that is said, vaping definitely has some advantages, but are they really worth the gruesome side effects?

- Shaana

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