How do I deal with stress

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A - If you are talking about how to overcome stress, here are a few things that I'd suggest.


1. Write down what the issue is that is causing the stress.

Writing down what is bothering you can help you feel more organised and confident with what is happening. It can also be a way for you to express your frustration and all your other pent-up emotions.

2. Talk to someone!

Wether it be a therapist, friend, relative or colleague, telling someone what is going on always helps lift the weight up off of your shoulders.

If it's something you don't feel you can tell someone, you have to reconsider the seriousness of the situation, but it is best to have a chat with someone trustworthy.

3: Try and find a solution.

It may be simple - or complicated. There way not even be a solution, and that's why you are so stressed! Just try and think calmly and come to a decision that is in yours and other's best interests.

There is also another thing to cover - relieving stress!

1: Doing something you love!

Go for a walk! Read a book! Log into to Netflix and binge watch Stranger Things. Make yourself busy and take your mind of it by instead replacing your feelings of stress with contentment instead.

2. Don't procrastinate!

If it's something academic, such as a very important assignment, it's best to just plan ahead and then get it over and done with.
Then you have more free time to chill out!


I hope this helped!

🌸 Ginger_Apple101 of Stronggirlsclub 🌸

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