What To Do When You're Being Gossiped About

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By daniela_bagnato

This is something that I am very familiar with – especially since I go to an all-girls school. Being gossiped about isn't the best feeling. It can lead to bullying and is not fun to deal with.

The best advice I can give you is to try and ignore them. There will forever be people who don't like you, or that you don't like. And sometimes, just ignoring them is the best thing to do. Coming from personal experience, it is not the easiest thing to do (especially when rumours are going around about you). This is where having a solid group of real friends around you is important.

Having friends that you can trust and that know and understand the real you is so important in these situations. They're your support base and the ones that are there for you to cry on, talk to and lean on. Trust me, when you have a secure group of friends around you, it makes ignoring that gossip so much easier.

However, if anything ever gets out of hand and you get physically or emotionally hurt but these people, please go to someone you trust. Parents/guardians, grandparents, uncles, aunties, older siblings. All of these people are on your team and here for you.

But back on topic. If this is currently happening to you, just remember that everything happens for a reason. This is another bump in the road of life and you can get over it.

Do you have any other ways to deal with being gossiped about? Let us know in the comments! 

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