How do I deal with bullying?

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Some people suggest ignoring it.

But often, that isn't easy or even possible especially, when the bullying is constant.

There are different types of bullying and different ways to handle each type.

We'll start off with physical bullying.

Physical bullying is more common between boys, but it can happen to girls too.

If someone is physically bullying you, there are two things you should do:

1. Learn self-defense so you can stand up for yourself.

We're in the internet age where many things can be learned online.

Look up simple self-defense moves online and practice them.

Learning self-defense is not only good for bullying, but it's a good skill young women should have anyways.

Now, don't think we are encouraging violence here.

There are certain types of self-defense called NSD (non-violent self defense) you can learn that are focused on DEFENSE, not violence, aggression, and fighting.

Look into NSD self defense online or even offline if you're able to.

2. Another thing you need to do is try to tell an authority figure.

Especially, if this person has or is injuring you.

It can be a parent, a school administrator, an older cousin or sibling, but tell someone.

Never keep bullying a secret.

The next type of bullying is probably the most common form, verbal bullying.

If you're being name-called, verbally harassed, or spoken to in any derogatory way by someone, here are a few tips:

1. Kill them with kindness

Bullies have one purpose and that purpose is to make you feel bad about yourself.

They want to make you feel horrible, usually because they're insecure about themselves.

It's not easy to ignore them and just don't let it affect you.

But it's possible to make it seem like it isn't affecting you.

If you don't let them see they're impacting you in any way, eventually they'll probably lose their drive to bully you.

Because they aren't getting the reaction they want.

So, don't react in tears or beg them to stop.

Most times that doesn't work; it only makes it worse.

How should you react then?

Well retaliating with revenge, unkind words, and similar tactics may seem like standing up for yourself, but it is only fighting fire with fire.

That's what they want.

The best thing you can do is kill them with kindness.

Be NOTHING like them.

They use evil words?

You use kind ones.

They are hateful?

You be loving.

It is not easy to do; I understand that.

Our human nature makes us want to fight back when people hurt us.

So, consider it this way.

You ARE fighting back.

You're just using a different tactic.

As the Bible quote says, "Don't return evil with evil. Return evil with good."

And as another famous quote says, "When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless."

2. Surround yourself with good people

You need people building you up to make sure your bully's words don't shape or mold you.

Try and find good friends that will pick you up and not tear you down.

It's really good to have a support system when dealing with bullying.

If you can't find any friends offline, you can find some right here online at the Strong girls club.

Talk to your friends and possibly an adult about the bullying if you can.

3. Build yourself up

Tell yourself kind things EVERY single day, no matter what the bully says to you.

That way you'll have good and true words taking root in your mind daily to uproot the toxic words you've been told.

We hope this was helpful!

We will discuss how to deal with cyber-bullying in a separate post.


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