Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 28

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“Would you two like something to drink? Maybe coffee?”

I didn’t even think someone like Kyouya would know how to make coffee, but I suppose he would just call up one of the many stuffy maids we saw when we got here.

Rika sat next to me on the all-too-big four post bed, her arm thrown over my shoulders so I may rest my throbbing head on her chest. It’s almost five in the evening, but I’m already too exhausted to get up.

Uncle Ranka was so upset when we got back to the apartment earlier, tearing up when Roland explained the situation to him. Rika made me sit on our bed while she packed our things, afraid I may pass out… again.

“Tea would be nice; could you get an ice pack for her head though? She took a nasty fall earlier.” Rika chimed in, sounding just as tired.

I rolled my eyes, but kept my mind and mouth shut. She was right of course, but I didn’t like the look of sympathy Kyouya shot me as he walked out of our new room. It hadn’t taken much for me to eat cement when I tried getting up from the sidewalk earlier, earning myself a golf ball sized knot in my head.

I had to admit, the room was nice, nicer than I would have imagined for a guest room. The four post bed was a queen, fitted with navy blue comforters and a cherry wood bed set. A matching armoire, wardrobe, and a bedside table scattered the large rectangular room along with the plush white carpet.

As I looked around, I noticed a door to the right of our bed on the opposite wall, assuming it’s probably a just as glamorous bathroom. The best part though; the cobblestone fireplace at the opposite side of the room, two navy arm chairs resting in front for leisure, I suppose.

But despite how gorgeous the room is; I would choose to be back at our apartment any day. Or even back at the Ark, in our bedrooms we had built with our own two hands.

No, I’m stuck in Japan because of that sadistic piece of shit…

“Ugh.” I grumbled, my head throbbing harder.

“You okay? What the fuck is taking him so long, jesus…”

I just shook my head, adjusting myself closer to my sister as she rubbed circles into my back.

What will we do now? Is there even really any point in staying here?

Our door opened, Kyouya walking in with two steaming mugs in one hand and a jelly ice pack in the other. He had dressed out of his dress pants and button-up, into a plain white t-shirt and to my surprise; a pair of oversized grey sweatpants.

I raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“I didn’t think you even owned a pair of sweatpants…” I breathed voice hoarse.

His head snapped up from setting our cups down on coasters, eyes widening a bit. Then he relaxed and smiled softly.

“Yes well, there is a whole other side to me when I’m comfortable in my own home. I’m not always uptight, Lucy-eh-Suzu.” He stuttered for a moment, fixing his glasses.

Rika snorted.

“Yeah okay sure. By the way, you can call us by our birth names here, it’s not like anyone is going to hear.” She shrugged, taking the ice pack from Kyouya and handing it to me.

It stung when I pressed it to my head, but I ignored it. I’ve had worse, plus this’ll keep the swelling down.

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now