Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 25

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Kyouya’s P.O.V.

“Do you love her?”

So blunt; the King knows exactly how to hit the nail on the metaphorical head. I sighed, taking a hesitant sip of the rich hot chocolate.

“I don’t know, Tamaki… it’s not exactly something I’ve ever experienced before, so how would I know if I did?”

He sat cross legged on the arm chair he pulled from the corner of my bedroom. I left my small desk lamp on, not wanting to wake anyone up by turning the bedroom light on.

It wasn’t a complete lie; I have never experienced such deep rooted care for anyone, but of course my sister. I’ve known Tamaki and the Host Club for some time now, and as much as I’ve grown accustomed to them, it’s not the same level as how I feel towards Lucy…

“I know we’ve only been friends for a few years now, Kyouya; but I know the kind of person you are. You enjoy a good mystery.”

I blinked; well yes, everyone knows that about me.

I nodded for him to continue.

“Is Lucy the mystery that you’d go the rest of your life trying to solve?”


He must have noticed the obvious fear in my eyes and set his mug down.

“I don’t mean to throw a possible marriage or spouse at you, but what I’m trying to figure out is that I know you agreed not to do any research on those girls; but is that the only thing fueling you?”

I frowned; I hadn’t thought about that.

Though, maybe in the beginning my interest in them had been solely on their blocked past and strange upbringings; but I know everything now. I know they come from a damaged home, how hard they worked just to help others, and just how deep the layers go when it comes to Lucy.

But despite finally finding out; I still pushed to go see her. I care about her.

“… No. If that had been the case, I wouldn’t still be feeling like this. I’ve got most of the information I had been thirsty for, and still went after her to make sure she was alright.”

A satisfied smile came over him and he nodded.

“I see… did you get to apologize to her?”

My throat clenched and I sighed.

“No… she wasn’t herself when I got there. She had gotten intoxicated by her ‘friend’ and… when she approached me she…” I felt my ears bloom with heat and cleared my throat.

“What did she do? Did she hit you?” he raised a curious brow.

“It would have been much better if she had just punched me; she kissed me. Then was pulled away by the man that had gotten her intoxicated.” I mumbled, subconsciously licking my bottom lip where the scabbed cut sat.

His violet eyes widened and his frown turned into a broad grin.

“She kissed you? Was that your first kiss, Kyouya?”

Something warm and tight clenched my chest and I looked away from his invasive gaze, my face flaming up in embarrassment.

“…Shut up.” I murmured.

“Oh, Kyouya it’s nothing to be modest about! So, what happened?”

“Her friends took us into their bedroom and she passed out in Arnold’s lap, after kissing him from out of nowhere. “ I mumbled

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now