Innocent Mute (A OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 31

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After I managed to calm Rika down at the shooting range, the ride back to our new home was pleasant, versus the ride there which was tense as all hell.

Kyouya sat at the bottom of the stairs when we walked in, his head in his hands.

Red flags immediately shot up.

"What's your problem?" Rika spoke up.

His head shot up, but before he could answer, a blur of dark hair walked over from the corner of my eyes.

"Jenna? What the hell are you doing here?"

Rika sounded more surprised than annoyed, but one look at Jenna's grim expression told us something is definitely wrong.

"Listen, we should sit down."

Oh no...

Jenna is one of our most trusted Chiefs, when we left the Ark; it was both in her care and three other.

Blake, Trevor, and Hayden.

They've been around since the very beginning, Blake and Hayden being brother and sister.

But when Jenna needs to be serious, it's never good news. Kyouya kept quiet as he lead us to a small sitting room, light colored furniture and enough privacy for us to talk in secret. Rika sat next to me on my right, Kyouya on my left, but Jenna remained standing.

Her arms were crossed under her chest, her normally gold eyes dark with this ominous sorrow that I can say I've only seen a few times.

"Jenna... what happened?" I spoke up, voice shaky.

She bit her lip.

"Listen Lucy, I'm not one to beat around the bush, but I know you're going through a lot right now. Kyouya explained to me why you're suddenly living here, but you need to know this."

Rika grabbed my hand.

"Blake is dead. He wasn't doing anything, he was at a gas station when they drove by with automatics and blew him away."

Oh god...

"Hayden is okay, but she's really broken down. She was safe in the car while he was pumping gas and saw the whole thing. Trev said she locked herself in her room and hasn't come out since."

That poor baby... Why? We never asked for any of this?!

I stood, shakily walking out without a word until I was safely outside.

"God fucking damnit!" I screamed.

I screamed and yelled, the sorrow so deeply knitted into my veins.


Snatching up rock after rock from the ground, I threw them with all my strength into the trees blindly, fury so thick.

Kyouya stood behind me, out of range.

"He was only nineteen! He had his whole life ahead of him!" I exclaimed, angry tears burning my eyes and cheeks.

He stood, looking as if this was his first time seeing me.

I turned, hands going straight into my hair behind my head.

"These are the consequences of helping people, for trying to make this world a better place! We were never rich, we never had things handed to us; we worked our fucking asses off for everything we ever had!"

He let me go, ranting, screaming my heart out.

"And then the world continues to shit all over us! We only wanted to save people, but now look at what happened! It's all our fault!"

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now