Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 19

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Sebastian left shortly after our performance, leaving me with his dorm number since I only had his cell. He promised he’d bring Arnold over to hang out tomorrow, since Arnold had been up to his neck in homework today. Rika and I stood in the driveway, waving him goodbye.

She stood in her bikini, her tattoo evident for the world to see on her hip.

“Do you miss being a leader?”

Glancing up in surprise, she watched me with calm.

After a moment’s hesitation, I nodded.

~I miss who I used to be to those people… now I’ve been reduced to a pathetic girl who can’t even talk for herself…~

My words were drenched in bitterness, and I knew she felt it. I hated being pathetic… having to rely on others and medication just to function. Compared to who I used to be… a fearless leader amongst the abused and neglected.

It left a bad taste in my mouth and a sinking sensation in my stomach.

I didn’t wait for whatever Rika would try to say to consol me; just turned around and trotted to the beach behind the huge summer home.

And she let me.

I found my beach towel lay out and sat criss crossed in my hoodie and black shorts, my gun pushing into my hip uncomfortably. The sun was finally setting while everyone around me howled in laughter, happiness evident in every single one of them.

And for once; I’ve been left in a sour mood.

Kyouya pisses me off, Sebastian’s presence brought back memories and emotions I’d rather bury, and Rika isn’t helping.

Deciding to take a walk to the more secluded part of the beach, I tried to let the sounds of the waves and the breeze calm me. I really shouldn’t get so worked up… Kyouya can deal with his jealousy however he wants. I don’t care anymore, I refuse to let myself.

Something metal caught my toe, drawing my attention down.

A beer can?

Lifting it up, I turned it over, letting the remainder of it spill out in droplets.

Isn’t this a private beach owned by Kyouya and his family?

Just as I was about to turn my ass around, a squeal froze me in my steps.

“Let me go!”

Whipping around, I noticed a few of our girls standing atop a large boulder, but two unwelcome figures held them.

Just as I was walking towards the scene; ice shot through my veins when Haruhi decided to come out of bloody nowhere and throw shells at the bastard.


I’m a good ways away but I kicked my legs forward, running full speed towards the boulder. Two of the girls ran off, but one of the two men held the others. Adrenaline pumped into my legs, a familiar feeling of panic and thrill jumping in my throat.

My attention was on the man holding the girls, his back to me as I caught up to them. Quietly I drew my gun from my hip; and pushed the barrel against the back of his head.

“Let them go, drunk fucker.” I hissed.

 He completely stiffened.

“A-Are you a cop?!” he stammered.

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang