Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 26

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Suzu/Lucy’s P.O.V

Now, I didn’t exactly expect a real warm welcome after the whole incident, and as my nerves were completely shot, I could tell things will never be the same as I approached the group.

Though, I did text back and forth with Vicky for a bit, I could tell the boys were being very… cautious.

Sebastian, being the saint that he is, helped me out of the truck as if I were handicapped and wrapped his arm around my waist as we approached them. Jenna decided to stay behind in order to hit on a group of studs back at the college and Arnold staid in the truck on my behalf.

Apparently he said some choice words to Kyouya that may or may not cause confrontation; I think we’ve all had enough of that these last few days.

Tamaki welcomed me with open arms, gently hugging me to his tall form.

“It’s good to see you’re alright, Lucy. How are you feeling?” he asked, genuine.

A bit caught off guard, I nodded back.

I expected a bit more… hostility.

Vicky stood to the side, smiling softly.

~Did I miss something?~ I directed to her.

She chuckled and nodded, going over to stand beside me.

“Thank you for taking care of her, Sebastian. I’ll text you later, okay?”

He nodded, bending over to kiss my head.

“Take care of yourself, okay? We’ll be around and Jenna is staying for a few weeks for break. So, we’ll come by to visit, okay?”

I nodded, hugging him close.

We talked all morning, and made sure to make plans for them to come by very soon. I know Jenna wants to see us as much as possible since she’ll be going back to the U.S. before her break ends.

We waved to them as they drove away, Arnold winking at me obnoxiously as they pulled out. I rolled my eyes, but as I turned back to the group, I noticed the tense Kyouya.

And suddenly; everyone was tense.

Haruhi seemed to be the only one not apart of the shared reaction and came over to hug me.

“I’m sorry I was so out of the loop yesterday; are you okay?”

I nodded, giving her my best smile.

“I know we said we’d stay all weekend, but dad just called me and asked us to come home today. He sounded a bit worried… I hope he’s okay there by himself.” She said, sighing.

I shrugged; I’m sure he’s just worried about us being gone for long.


Looking up, my name seemed foreign coming from his mouth.

His head remained down, glasses fixed at the end of his nose. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and for the first time, a shocking realization hit me; he’s not his confident self.

“Let’s give these two some privacy… come on, to the limousine!” Tamaki exclaimed, trying to drag everyone’s attention from us.

They followed him slowly, along with Vicky, after she gave Kyouya a brief look of warning.

I stayed calm, preparing myself for anything while we waited for them to be out of earshot. My palms went clammy and I sucked in a deep quiet breath.

I can face this… whatever this is.

I placed my hands behind my back and bravely looked into his eyes, which avoided mine.

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now