Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 17

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My phone buzzed in my lap, silent to my ears considering they’re stuffed with my ear buds. Blinking, I flipped it open, seeing a text from Sebastian.

You still coming, Hummingbird?

I smiled at the use of my old nickname, feeling warmth flood my chest.

Nah, we skipped out on ya ;)

It didn’t take him long to text me back, my phone buzzing obnoxiously in between my thighs.

I would kick your skinny ass! Get your hot self here so I can see ya ;D

I giggled softly at his pointless flirting. Even over text, he makes me miss him like crazy. Our old flirtatious relationship, despite the fact his boyfriend sat right there, rolling his eyes at us and our normal shenanigans.

We’re comin! Don’t get your thong in a twist!

My phone vibrated a second later, bringing me away from changing the song on my iPod.

Too late ;D Hurry! Love ya <3

Closing my phone, I looked over to Kyouya to see him sizing me with a curious gray gaze. I smiled innocently, winking at him when his eyebrows shot up.

I don’t think he’s going to be very happy with us, Rika… I thought, looking at her as she stared out the window.

A smile crept across her face, a sly smirk that would put anyone at alarm.

The boys buzzed with excited chatter, Tamaki gushing about ‘his first trip with Hauhi’ which only gained him an annoyed sigh from said girl. I think the only reason she agreed, was the assumption that we were going to actually relax on this trip.

Guess nobody cleared her on the fact that the numerous girls are going to be coming and staying the weekend as well. Well, Rika and I weren’t going to be the ones to break the news to her.

When we finally pulled in, ten minutes later; I automatically spotted the familiar black truck sitting across the street from the huge ass mansion/summer home. And the tall blonde that stood, leaning against it casually.

I practically fell out of the limo, anxious to see the first friend since I left America, and thanked the good Gods that Sebastian’s college was out here in Okinawa or I would be stranded in Japan without any familiar faces. He didn’t look any different; tall, long legs, those devilish gold eyes, and his shaggy shoulder length platinum blond hair.

He spotted Rika and I waving at him from across the street and smiled, crossing over.

“Who’s that?!” Tamaki exclaimed.

“We invited a friend that lives in the area to help with our performance today.” Rika answered , never looking at him.

Sebastian jogged over, and then stopped suddenly, glaring at Rika as if she just told Tamaki his darkest secret.

She smirked, glaring back.

“Dick Gurgler.” She spat.

“Pussy Licker.” He shot back, teeth pointed.

Oh God, they can’t really still be doing this?!

“Poop Shooter.”

“Clit Tickler”

“Cock Sucker”

She grinned, loving this game that they’ve shared since Middle School. It’s sad to think they’ve been this vulgar since Middle School…

Sebastian burst out laughing along with Rika, clinging to each other as they broke down in tears. I just stood there, rolling my eyes at their immature display of affection. They could date if Sebastian didn’t like it up the ass instead of… well the other way. He’s never been closed off from his sexual orientation, taking it with a good sense of humor. Rika has always given him shit, just as he gives her shit for being bi-sexual.

Kyouya didn’t seem to like this, frowning at them as they rolled over each other.

Sebastian finally stood, helping the giggling Rika up. He wiped the tears from his cheeks and spotted me, standing with my hands in the pocket of my oversized hoodie. His eyes softened, glowing with adoration.

“How are you holding up, Hummingbird?” he asked, hands cupping my face.

I leaned into his touch, flourishing in the safe hands of a man. I guess it must be a physiological thing, because if he were straight, I know I would have pulled away from him.

Okay.’ I mouthed, knowing he could read my lips with ease.

Sebastian has been in my life since Middle School and knows too well of what Rika and I have been through. He even came to my Mom’s funeral, just to be there for us…

“Hey, no crying, Hummingbird. I missed you too, babe.” He cooed, kissing my cheeks.

I felt the wetness on my cheeks and realized I was crying, my eyes filling with painful tears.

Sniffling, I flung my arms around his neck, stuffing my face into his shoulder, crying softly. He knelt down, allowing me to stand and cry, cooing sweet nothings as Rika rubbed my back.

God, I missed him. I missed how easy my life once was. I missed my friends, my home, my belongings.

But most of all, at that moment… I missed my Mom.

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now