Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 6

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Suzu’s P.O.V.

This time I walked into the Host club myself, a strange new sense of confidence radiating off my form. Rika must have noticed it as well since she was smirking trailing behind me like the old days when it was an army behind me.

But that’s old news.

It was right after school so they were just preparing the tea sets and such and chatting amongst themselves; that’s until Tamaki noticed us walk in.

In a split second he was at my side, holding my hand to his lips though before either of the two made contact, fear gripped my stomach and I instinctly seized my hand from his.

He looked confused then crushed all in the time of about two freaking seconds as I stood awkwardly.

“My daughter hates me…” he cooed in misery as he plucked mushrooms in the corner of the room.

Haruhi sweat dropped and strolled over to us, a tea kettle in hand.

“Don’t mind Tamaki, Suzu. He’s touchy.” She said rolling her eyes at him.

~Oh great, looks like we’re not going to get along well~

Rika humphed at my thought and walked in, dropping herself on one of the pink couches.

“Why would you want to?” she huffed as she watched me sit next to her.

I rolled my eyes at her blunt disregard for others.

~Because it would make working here easier. Plus he’s not a bad person…He’s just touchy~

“Well I can tell you now, we’re going to ruin these people’s innocence.” She cooed smirking.

I giggled softly and nodded.

“Oh and why is that?” I heard the familiar calm voice sound and almost jumped.

Rika noticed me freeze up and glared at the glasses wearing fiend that stood parallel with the couch.

“Hey, warn a gal! You almost gave her a damn heart attack!” she exclaimed.

Kyouya smirked and pushed his glasses up on his nose, causing them to glimmer.

“My apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you. So we have instruments prepared for you two if you’d follow me, please.” He said and started to walk off.


Rika was the first to follow and gently grasped my hand, making sure I didn’t get left behind. We followed him into the corner of the giant music room and gasped at the almost magical sight.

~Holy shit…~

Sleek black drum set sat in the back center of the raised floor, shining brilliantly while about three amps were set up next to it. Two black electric six string guitars sat up on individual stands and I frowned slightly.

I tugged lightly on Rika’s chain that hung from one of her many pockets, snapping her away from her day dream.

Before I could send her a string of thought Kyouya put his hand on my shoulder instantly grabbing my attention.

“Suzu, I have heard that you were required to take a sound language class before coming here. Now I am fluent in sound language so you may talk to me in that sense instead of asking your sister.”

I half heard him speaking, I could only concentrate on the feeling of his hand on my shoulder…ripping the arm out of socket…choking me…

Rika said something but I couldn’t hear it…just stared at the hand…

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now