Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 12

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Rika’s P.O.V

I jogged down the hallways, ignoring the numerous strange looks I gained from the bystanders, but I couldn’t think about them. Didn’t even bother to shoot any of them a dirty look back; not today.

Gotta get to Suzu.

When one of the red haired twins ran into my Algebra class, I knew something was wrong immediately, my heart jumping into over drive. His expression explained enough.

Turning a brisk corner, I clipped someone tall with my shoulder and turned just enough to apologize…to Tamaki.

“You in a hurry, Rika-chan?” his voice was calm, easy going.

I paused, taking a minute to catch my breath; I swear this damn school is too freaking huge.

“W-Where in the hell is the nurse’s office?!” I exclaimed through my heavy breathing.

He raised an eyebrow, still not sensing the urgency in my voice, but seeing that obviously something was up. Ugh, I don’t have time for this!

“I can take you; this is my free period anyways.”

I nodded and walked with him, tempted to tell him to speed it up. But he seemed way too lay back and happy; I didn’t have it in me to tell him that it’s sort of an emergency. I took the chance and thought over what the ginger had told me before I blasted through the door;

“I don’t know what happened, Rika… She was fine until she started freaking out when she picked up a knife to cut the vegetables. Next thing I knew, she had just keeled over…”

I chewed nervously on my bottom lip, knowing damn well that Suzu doesn’t just pass out for any reason. Something must have triggered her PTSD…maybe the knife? Possibly she could have recognized it…from the incident.

I shivered, picturing her slump body covered in dried blood and felt bile rise at the back of my throat.

“You okay, Rika?”

I gasped in surprise, completely forgetting Tamaki’s presence.

“Y-Yeah! Sorry, I’m just worried…”

His eyebrows knit together in concern.

“What’s wrong, Rika?”

I sighed; might as well tell him now.

“Suzu passed out in the middle of her culinary class. She’s in the nurse’s office now…”

I winced, expecting him to go completely batty, but instead his expression stayed to one of worry.

“Do you want to be alone with her…?”

I blinked in surprise.

He’s actually not going to be…overbearing? I mean, whenever a situation arose, he would go completely insane and well…be Tamaki.

“Uh…yeah. If you don’t mind.” I said, slightly bemused.

He nodded and smiled brightly, before opening the door to the nurse’s office for me. I walked in, giving him a little wave as he shut the door behind me.

Who’d to think he could be an actual sweetheart?

The nurse’s office wasn’t completely extravagant, but still had a rich aura around it with the comfy looking beds lined up and separated by s curtain.

I walked further inside, noticing only one curtain had been drawn. I slowed my pace, preparing myself for what I may see and blinked once again in surprise to see Kyouya sitting in a chair next to a resting Suzu.

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now