Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 2

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I sat there for a minute awkwardly waiting for the tension to break when suddenly it exploded. The child like boy ran up to me, his eyes as big as saucers, smiling brightly.

"Oh my Gosh Suzu-chan! That was so pretty! You're a really good singer!" he exclaimed wrapping his small arms around my arm.

I giggled softly and hugged him back before he let go while the twins walked up to me grinning along with Tamaki who still looked flabbergasted.

"That was impressive! You have a nice set of lungs on you, Suzu." One said seeming impressed. I nodded showing I acknowledged him, wishing I could thank them properly.

"True, but I'm confused! I thought you can't talk?" the other said.

I looked at Rika to explain since I so obviously can't.

She sighed and shoved her hands in the pockets of her baggy ripped jeans.

"Suzu you can say is what most doctors like to call 'a special case'. In short, since singing was all she used to do before she lost her ability to talk, it's pretty much all she can do."

I can't blame her for getting tired of reciting the same explanation over and over again. We had to give it to the Head master of the academy too and trust me that was not an easy task.

Tamaki appeared in front of me and lifted my chin softly with one of his fingers looking at me from an upward angle.

"My dear, I am honored to be in your presence! Where did you learn to play the piano?" I thought about that for a second before pulling out my whiteboard and writing down my reply;

School and church mostly. One of my teachers gave free lessons too. I can also play the violin, guitar, and cello.

He looked awfully surprised by this.

"Free lessons?" he said his face wrinkling in confusion.

I was about to erase my board to explain to him we aren't exactly from a rich family, when a voice cut me off.

"Unlike us, The Ellis twins aren't even from Japan. They moved here from a more run down city from the Midwest in America. They're here on a music scholarship." The smart boy said grinning like he just revealed some kind of secret.

Something about his expression and tone doesn't sit with me well.

I narrowed my eyes at him and wrote something down before spinning it around to him;

You sure know a lot about us. And what else have you researched about my sister and I?

I kept my eyes narrowed as he approached me a little closer in order to read my scribbles. His grin grew and he pushed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose.

"Nothing really. For some reason most information about you two has been secured and is very complicated to find. That is why I am so interested." He said his voice like velvet but held more of a threat.

~Rika, tell him he needs to mind his own God damn business. ~ I thought glancing at my sister who seemed pretty peeved too, but not nearly as I am.

Alarm bells went off loudly in my head while I gave him the up and down. He's quite the scrawny guy to be making enemies like this. He should really keep his nose out of other peoples lives before he gets hurt.

"Hey there, buddy! You need to understand something about us. Were not just gonna sit here and let you air out our dirty laundry, got it? Not really sure who you think you are, but this is a warning; butt out of our business." She said glaring at him.

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now