Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 11

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“What do mean you can’t perform on Wednesday?”

Even before Rika told him, I knew he wasn’t going to happy about us skipping out on our second performance.

Rika stood her ground, hands on her hips as she glared at Kyouya. He didn’t even glance up at her from his seat in front of his laptop, typing away with furious strikes.

“Are you deaf and stupid? I said we won’t be at school on Wednesday. Deal with it, Four-eyes.” Her voice was curt.

If her tone offended him, it didn’t show. He just tapped away at his keyboard for about thirty seconds before he replied.


“None of your damn business.”

He finally paused and looked up with a deafening glare.

“Do you have to be so rude?”


I almost laughed at Rika’s response, but bit the inside of my cheek to keep it under control.  Kyouya glanced at me; standing behind Rika, dressed in a simple knee-high black skirt and navy blue tank top. It seemed as if he was searching for some invisible reassurance in my blue eyes, but then he looked away and sighed.

“Fine, but on one condition.”

Before Rika could reply, I nodded for the both of us. If it means keeping those two from tearing out each other’s throats, I’ll agree to almost anything. Almost.

“You two come to the beach with us this weekend.”

I raised an eyebrow, honestly surprised with this invitation.

~When did you decide to go to the beach?~

He smiled as he watched my hands, ignoring Rika standing in front of me.

“A couple of weeks ago, we had an idea to go to a beach resort this weekend. Tamaki and I have reservations at one of my family’s summer homes there. But, it’s rather difficult to fully entertain our guests at a beach; that’s where you two come in.”

Of course they’d bring the girls…

Tamaki decided this moment to dash into the conversation, rose petals floating around him as he made a dramatic king-like pose.

“Just as I thought! In order of the King; you girls will come with us to the beach this weekend!” he exclaimed.

Is this guy serious…?

Rika looked just as flustered as I felt and we exchanged a mirrored glance before she burst into hysterical laughter. She gripped her sides and tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Oh…Oh my God…You are priceless, Tamaki!” she wailed.

I giggled softly, enjoying the sight of my sister having a good laugh. It’s been some time since we’ve been able to just relax and have a good laugh…

“So, it’s a deal?” Kyouya piped in.

Rika, now breathing deeply, nodded towards him. I held up my pinky for him to shake, which after a moment’s hesitation, he shook with his own. The beach, huh? It’s been awhile since we’ve been to the beach…not since…

Since Noah was alive.

Rika’s head shot up as she glared at me, all signs of humor leaving her face replaced with a look that warned me to leave the subject alone.

“Suzu. Don’t. Just don’t bring it up.”

I didn’t dare defy her, not because she warned me, but I could never bare those memories again. Not yet at least. So, I nodded and turned around, walking to my Nutrition class by myself. Cooking with Kaoru should be eventful considering he’s never picked up a frying pan in his life…

I arrived to the Academy’s kitchen just as Kaoru and Hikaru managed to start a small kitchen fire. These idiots are going to set this whole damn place on fire!

I jogged over to the stove they were standing next to and grabbed a rag, smothering the fire while the boys continued to scream. Several girls squealed and gripped on to each other as if their lives depended on whether or not I put out the fire. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes and smothered the fire, turning off the burner.

I looked up at the idiot fire haired twins only to catch them dramatically clinging onto each other, playing out their traditional ‘Taboo love’ roles for the girls around us.

“Kaoru! Kaoru, are you burned anywhere…?” Hikaru gasped, gripping his brother’s shoulders.

Kaoru winced dramatically, fake alligator tears clinging onto his eyelashes. Oh for shit’s sake, not this stuff again…

“I-I’m fine, Hikaru…”

“Here let me check the rest of you…”

Just before Hikaru could lift up his brother’s shirt, I chucked a frying pan at his head, knocking him square upside his stupid perverted fire haired head. They turned and glared at me and my now pink cheeks as the girls howled in disappointment.

“You’re no fun, Suzu! We were just having a little fun with the girls.” They said in unison.

I shook my head and pointed to the stove, motioning for Kaoru to come work with me. Why did we have to get paired up together? They are too distracting…

The teacher called the class in session and gave us a recipe then had us get to work. Kaoru and I managed to get a simple recipe; a vegetarian omelet. Simple enough.

Motioning for Kaoru to go over to the fridge to grab some onions, tomatoes, and green peppers; I washed my hands and pulled out a pan and a whisk. I hardly heard someone walk into the classroom until I heard his voice;

“Sir, this is the attendance sheet from Mr. Tonyo.”

I glanced up to see Kyouya in all his polite and proper glory as he handed a paper to the teacher. He must have sensed my stare, because he looked up and immediately saw me, blue eyes and coal eyes matched.

“Earth to Suzu!”

I gasped and looked over to Kaoru, blushing hard. How long was I staring?

“Here, I just washed all of the vegetables. Can you chop them up while I cook the eggs?” he asked, mild amusement dancing in his eyes.

I nodded, taking the green pepper from the batch of vegetables and grabbed the knife from the butcher block. Suddenly my hand dropped, recognizing the feel of the hilt of the knife in my hand.

Looking down cautiously, every little sound suddenly came into focus as I recognized the look of the knife. Light wooden handle…same brand name printed in black on the side…same weight…Oh God. Daddy had bought these knives. Daddy had used this knife. The edges of my vision blurred as bile rose in the back of my throat. Spikes of fear jabbed my arms, face, then finally stabbed my legs and suddenly I was on the cold tile ground, my breathing going a mile a minute.

The last thing I saw through the blurs was fire red hair and glasses.

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang