Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 14

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Wednesday came too quickly, causing me to be wary at school on Tuesday, especially since everybody kept asking me if I was okay and the teachers kept pulling me out of class. They’d all ask the same question, with the same concerned expressions. And I’d tell them the same dismissive answers. Since I had abandoned my white board some time ago, I began writing ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ on each of my palms in pen.

This way, if the teacher or person didn’t know sign language, I can still answer their questions with either hand or a shrug if I didn’t know an answer.

The Host Club didn’t ask why Rika and I weren’t going to be at school today, but made it clear of what our job is this weekend, when we go to the beach. We have to perform two songs; one at the beach and the other during dinner (‘supper’ as they put it). I smiled when Kyouya waved his finger at us, lecturing us on picking respectable music that is appropriate, but still fun and party worthy.

He’s been a lot more open with me since the incident on Monday. During club, when Rika and I are done practicing our dances and waiting for Haruhi; he’ll invite me to sit next to him. He’d smile with me differently than he does with his other female guests; like he genuinely enjoys my company.

Maybe I’m looking into it too much…

Rika stirred next to me as I lay awake in bed. Glancing up at the digital clock on our nightstand, I notice with dismay it’s only seven o’clock in the morning.

Rika won’t be up for at least another two hours…

Giving up on sleep, I gently crawled out of bed and threw a light jacket on over my tank top and sweat pants. I threw my hair up into a ponytail, not wanting to hassle with it today and walked out then outside.

The mist of the early morning kept the chill of the temperature at bay as I strolled down the sidewalk, hands in my pockets. The closest drugstore is only a couple blocks away, and I know I’m going to need a new pack for today…

A bell rang as I went inside the small drugstore, covered wall-to-wall in cheap wine, liters of pop, and porn magazines. I went straight to the man behind the cash register, who glanced up at me without interest as he sat on a stool, reading a magazine. I gave him a brief smile, before reaching into my pocket and pulling out an empty box of Newport’s.

He blinked as I pointed to the box and held up my pointer finger, indicating I wanted one box.

“You old enough to smoke, kid?” He grumbled.

I rolled my eyes; if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have an empty box, would I?

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my disabilities card, indicating I’m of legal age to smoke for special reasons.

“Ah, got it. You just want one then?”

I nodded, pulling out cash from my wallet where I put my card back.

He handed me the plastic wrapped green box and took my cash.

Stuffing the new box in my pocket, I threw away the empty one in the dumpster next to the drugstore, then setting off back home.

Smoking… isn’t something I do often. The feel of the box against my hand, is so familiar though… I buy a box every couple months, but this is the first birthday we’ve had to go through… I’m already itching to tear off the plastic from the box and light up, but I left my lighter at home.

When I walked back inside, the coffee pot was running and Uncle Ranka sat at the table, an empty mug on one side and his makeup kit on the other. He looked sleepy; I giggled softly at the sight of my Uncle without his signature wig and makeup.

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now