Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 16

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 A/N: I'm really sorry the chapter is so damn short, but I'm super busy with school starting. But, here's something to keep you guys kicking ;) Enjoy <3

My hands shook violently, making it a crap ton harder to light the cigarette that stuck between my lips. Just when I strike it, it would blow out from my hands waving it back and forth. I groaned, taking the cigarette from my lips and hanging my head over the railing.

“I didn’t take you for a smoker…”

I didn’t have to look back to know who it was.

I shrugged my shoulders, resting my chin on the metal railing.

It’s really none of his business… I don’t want them seeing this side of me. Ignorance is bliss sometimes…


He gently took the lighter from my shaking fingers and struck it, holding up the flame for me. Quickly, I put the stick back between my lips and let him light it. His grey eyes were dark, obviously not taking a liking to watching me smoke.

Didn’t make me feel any better…

I took a long drag, filling my lungs with the lazy smoke, then blowing it out of my nose.

~I don’t smoke often. ~ I signed.

He nodded, leaning his back against the railing.

“I can tell… I understand. Are you okay…?”

I blinked, honestly surprised by his concern. He’s never… been blunt about whether he cares or not.

I nodded nonetheless.

“Good… they’re freaking out in there. Really worried about you, Suzu.” His voice is gentle.

I sighed, letting the smoke roll off my tongue.

~That’s why we didn’t want you guys here… this is an emotional trial for Rika and I. Something we should be doing on our own. ~

I watched as rejection flashed across his face, surprising me further.

Turning towards the railing, I flicked the butt over and turned to face the seemingly perfect boy. Lifting my hands, I put them on his shoulders and pulled him down considering how damn tall he is. He let me, but his eyes widened along with his cheeks flaming. Standing stock still, I went on my tiptoes and gently kissed him on his flamed cheek.


His eyes widened, either from my kiss or… from speaking.

My voice rung in the silence, sounding hoarse, but not stuttering once. I felt an ounce of pride from that, knowing how difficult it will be for me to truly speak in the future.

He didn’t move for the longest time, grey eyes wide and unsure, inches from my own blue orbs. And for a moment, I thought he would kiss me… and I flushed from the thought. What if he did? I let my gaze travel down to his pink lips, tightly shut.

Would I let him?

Slowly, his arms moved, wrapping them around my waist. I let him touch me, feeling no revolt from the feel of his arms. My breathing picked up, nerves kicking in from having a male touch me…

And suddenly, I was flush against his chest, listening to the sound of his hammering heart beat. I blushed hard, feeling his hands on my lower back, fingers digging into the material of my hoodie.

“Suzu… What are you doing to me?” he groaned, his voice vibrating in his chest.

I flushed.

I’m doing something to him…?

“Hey, love birds! Break it up, or I’ll be forced to use a damn crowbar!”

We jumped apart, blushing profusely as Rika stood in the doorway, hands on her hips.

~ Rika! That’s not cool…we were having a moment. ~ I whined mentally, pouting.

She rolled her eyes.

“Too damn bad! I can’t control these damn rich brats! Kyouya, get your ass in here and control these freaks!” she exclaimed, thrusting her thumb back to point into the apartment.

Kyouya sighed, giving me a longing look before going back inside. I watched, feeling a lot calmer now after that little… scene. At least I’m not thinking about… Daddy anymore.

Maybe Kyouya is just what I need to keep the memories at bay?

“Suzu, I don’t think anyone is going to be okay about you being armed…” Rika trailed off, carrying our bags outside as she watched me load the weapon.

I raised an eyebrow, honestly surprised at her concern.

~ You’ve never complained before. ~  I thought, reloading the small pistol.

It was a simple gun, the same model the police keep on them. Sleek, not too heavy, and black. Even before the incident, I carried this baby around, wary of the streets. My Dad helped me get my license and since then have taken it with me when I went out.

To think I’d have to keep it on me to protect me from him…

Rika just shrugged, carrying our overnight bags to the limo outside that held the excited boys (and Haruhi). Strapping the weapon to my holster under my hoodie, I grabbed my amp and guitar, snug in her case. Mori-senpia helped stuff our belongings in the trunk of the limo, nodding when he saw me.

I smiled politely back and climbed in after waving our transgender uncle goodbye. Rika sat next to me, squishing me between her and Kyouya, who smirked down at me.

A whole weekend with this devil?

Oh god…

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now