A little place in Kansas

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Deep in a thick, wooded forest in the heart of Kansas; a young girl ran frantically down the dry dust path that twisted through the trees. She looked over her shoulder and kept running, dodging low hanging branches as she desperately gasped for air. Her pale skin had turned a bright pink from the blood flow and her raven black hair waved like a torn flag in the wind.
Then suddenly, something had leaped out of a bushy thicket ahead of her and onto the path, stopping the young girl abruptly!
"AHHHHH!" She cried, her throat turning soar from the scream.
"Holy Moly, Hela! It was just a joke!"
"I know, Kate. You just scared the heck out of me!"
The two girls started laughing, in fact, they were Foster Sisters.
"Hey," Kate spoke up when the laughs settled. "Betcha I can race you to the creek! ReadysetGO!" And the youthful brunette raced down the winding path.
"Hey, Kate! Wait up!" Called Hela as she ran after her.
Hela finally caught up to her sister who seemed to be distracted by something down stream. "What's going on?" She asked but Kate didn't answer.
The creek was more like a raging river, it was loud and fast. There was also a wire fence that separated parts of the forest, Hela and Kate have never been on the other side. That was what Kate was looking over.
"See that bridge over there?" She said. Hela looked over her shoulder and spotted and old, rotting bridge that passed high over the river. It was missing a lot of boards and railings. It was a little too far in the distance to be sure but it looked like an old train track.
"Do you wanna check it out?"
"Kate! No! We can't cross the fence, remember? It says 'No Tresspassing' so if you don't want to get shot, I suggest we go home!"
"Nah, I think we can just check it out! It's gonna be fine!"
"Hela! Kate! Time to come home!"
Called a voice in the distance.
"Mom is calling us, Kate. Let's. Go." Hela urged.
"Fine." She gave in at last. Kate and Hela started down the path but they looked back at the bridge and for a moment, a simple split second, Hela swore she saw a tall man in black on the bridge; and then he was gone.
Thinking not much of it, the young girl shook it off and raced after her friend.

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