Odin in his cell

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"Where is she?!" Cried King Loki at the top of his lungs. It has been nearly a month and Odin refuses to speak.

"I will not say... It is for her greater good... And yours as well, Loki..." He weakly spoke with any strength he could muster up out of his frail, old lungs.
"Then you shall rot in these cells, I have no care for you." Loki spat as he stood up.
"You will be back... Tomorrow...." Odin said, barely audible.
"If that is truly what you think, then you shall never see me again. Or any one else for that matter. You will die within a few days and no heavier burden could be lifted off my shoulders." And with that, Loki left Odin in the cell and returned into Asgard without so much as looking over his shoulder or hesitating.

Then came a dawn and a dusk, Loki was tempted to return to the cells but stayed his ground. The sun set and rose again, still he kept his word. But on the third day, Loki remembered Frigga. He remembered his Mother, the woman who cared for him and loved him but also loved Odin. She loved Odin and Thor and Loki all the same, doing these deeds only would disappoint her further, even in death. Loki felt as if he needed to return to Odin. Not for his own sake, or for his daughters, or for Odin's, but for his Mother's. She would not want this.

As he descended into the dark halls, Loki hesitated and looked down onto the plate he held in his hands. A small goblet set in the center, full to the brim of clean water; not the murky drink from the dirty river. Next to it stood a stack of fresh slices of bread; not the stale ones he usually brought. Next to that was freshly picked fruits and vegetables. Loki knew why he brought the old man good food and as much as he hated to do it, he had to. For Frigga.

Loki finally came to Odin's cell. It gave an awful aroma that made the god almost gag but he stood in place. As old as Odin was, he was still alive. He proved to have great strength.
"I knew... You would return..." He weakly choked. Loki looked at the dirty floor and then carefully sat down onto it. He stared into Odin's cell for a few moments then he slid the plate into the cell.
"Why..." Odin breathed, he sounded of death.
"I am not doing this for you." It did not matter to Odin why Loki did it, he simply scooped up the plate and carefully ate the food, too weak to eat quickly.

Something started happening inside Loki, whether he was aware of it or not is unclear but as he watched Odin; weak, vulnerable, frail Odin, it had done something to Loki. He watched the man he hated most in his life be weak and helpless, Loki felt pity for Odin.

Thinking nothing of it, stood up and left; but only to return that evening with yet another plate full of fresh food with promises of another in the morning.

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